
rosette n.1.玫瑰花結,薔薇花纓繸;薔薇花飾。2.【建筑】圓花...


The future characterization and genetic analysis for candidate mutant were carried out and find that some candidate mutant ( such as roi30 doil - 1 doi0311131 ) have good phenotype by drought h2o2 aba - stressed treatment . at the same time we also observe the development of candidate mutant at different growth stages carefully . many modal difference between mutant an d wild type at the same period were found , such as more rosette layering fatty and big in leaves , advancment or delay for the flower period , rosettes living in the main stem , shorten in figure , the amount of seed little , sterilization etc . these physiological and modal changes may reflect with maladjustment in expressions of some gene and confusion on their inner control , . we will futher study concrete and detailed function mechanism 我們對這些擬南芥侯選突變體進行進一步的鑒定和遺傳學分析,發現ro口口、 doil 、 doi口jlll3i等潛在突變株對aba 、過氧化氫及早脅迫有明顯表型,同時對潛在突變體的生長發育進行了詳細的觀察,發現多數潛在突變株與同條件下野生型比出現了許多明顯的形態改變,如:蓮座基葉增多、分層、肥大,花期提前或延遲,主莖生輪座,株型矮化,產籽量少,不育,敗育等,這些生理和形態上的差異很可能反映了它們內部某些基因的表達受到了影響、代謝調控發生了紊亂,具體和詳細的作用機制還需要進一步的研究。

In the dissertation are discussed the infrared video object recognition features , the infrared rosette scan subimage technology , the fast object recognition and tracking technology and the design - consideration of miniature system , etc . based on those , system experimenting is made and good results are shown 本文研究遠程紅外目標識別特征,玫瑰掃描亞成像與目標檢測,快速目標識別跟蹤技術及小型化系統的研制等,并在此基礎上進行了系統實驗,取得了良好的結果。

2 . the comparison of methods of immunobiologic activity evaluation : in this paper , we primitivily selected two kinds of morphologic methods to evaluate gpif immunobiologic activity : e rosettes experiment , lymphocyte transformation experiment , and two kinds of optic colorimetry immunobiologic activity evaluation methods : cell proliferation mtt assay , cell proliferation brdu - elisa assay 2 、 gpif免疫生物活性評價方法的比較篩選初步比較篩選了兩種形態學免疫生物活性評價方法, e玫瑰花環實驗和淋巴細胞轉化實驗及兩種光學比色免疫生物活性評價方法,淋巴細胞增殖實驗mtt法和淋巴細胞增殖實驗brdu - elisa法。

The study about the key techniques of infrared sub - imaging has been carried out in the following aspects : based on the principle of rosette scan sub - imaging and the analysis of the target recognition and tracking features , the model of infrared sub - imaging target recognition and tracking is built up in this dissertation 本文以國防重點預研課題-毫米波紅外雙模導引頭為背景,重點對雙色紅外玫瑰線掃描亞成像系統的幾個關鍵技術進行了研究:基于對紅外亞成像機理及其目標識別跟蹤特征的分析,提出了紅外亞圖像目標識別跟蹤模型。

Vegetation dynamics and soil characteristics of different period abandoned land was conducted in typical steppe at xilinguole league and meadow steppe at hulunbeier league , inner mongolia . the results showed : the function community of annual plants , perennial rhizornatous grasses and perennial rosette grasses were appeared at different succession stage of abandoned land in typical steppe and meadow steppe 本試驗分別在內蒙古錫林郭勒盟典型草原帶和呼倫貝爾盟草甸草原帶對不同撂荒年限的撂荒地植被動態及土壤特性進行了研究,目的是探討草原區撂荒地植被演替的規律,為撂荒地植被的重建提供理論依據。

The serum creatinine , blood urea nitrogen , triglyceride and low density lipoprotein decreased significantly in the jpqhr - treated group as compared with those in the control group ( p < 0 . 05 ) , while the number of erythrocyte rosette - forming cells increased significantly in the jpqhr - treated group as compared with those in the control group ( p < 0 . 05 ) 結果:健脾清化方組患者的臨床癥狀有明顯改善,血肌酐、尿素氮、甘油三酯和低密度脂蛋白均有下降,而紅細胞總花環有顯著增加,與對照組比較,有統計學意義( p < 0 . 05 ) 。

Here we found g proteins also function in leaf , silique development and the yield of pollen microspore . we observed several traits or characters in the offsprings of gpal , agbl null mutation and gpa1 overexpression lines and found that the width of mutants “ lamina is larger than that of the wild type , whereas the lamina length , petiole length and rosette diameter is smaller than the wild type , the ga overexpression lines is different from the mutants ; the silique length and the pedicel length is larger in mutants than that of wild type , and slightly smaller in overexpression lines than the control ; the morphometric character in silique tip is different in gpal from agbl mutants ; the yield of pollen microspore is larger in null mutants than wild type whereas smaller in overexpression lines 實驗中我們跟蹤觀察了多代異三聚體g蛋白a亞基超表達轉基因植株及a , p亞基缺失突變體的表型特征,發現突變體的葉片寬度大于對應的野生型,葉片長度,葉柄長度及蓮座直徑小于野生型,而超表達植株的上述某些特征與突變體相反; gp時突變體的長角果長度,花梗柄部長度大于野生型,而超表達ga植株種英則略小于對照; gpal突變體長角果尖端未出現咭乙i突變體的特征: gpal ,口gbl突變體花粉生成量大于野生型,而超表達ga植株的花粉生成量則略小于對照。

Campaired with the control groups , the absolute weight , grouth index and cell cycle of immune organs , the anae positive rates of t lymphocytes in peripheral blood , the erythrocyte c3brr and cic rosette rates were singnificantly changed in the zinc - deficient and zinc - toxic ducklings . histopathologically , lymphocytes of the immune organs were depleted , degenerated and necrotic in both zinc - deficient and zinc - toxic ducklings 缺鋅和鋅中毒組免疫器官的絕對重量、生長指數、細胞生長周期以及t淋巴細胞anae ~ +陽性率、紅細胞c _ 3b受體花環、免疫復合物花環率與對照組比較差異顯著( p 0 . 05 )或極顯著( p 0 . 01 ) 。

Primula merriiliana is a small plant of biennial , rosette herbs with pinnately dissected leaves . the flowers are borne on leafless scapes in umbellate inflorescences , which are arranged in the form of 1 - 3 level of the umbels . they are often heterostylous , whereas p . cicutarrifolia is different from the former in having homomorphic flowers , one level of umbel , and the eroded tepals 安徽羽葉報春為具異型花、花序1 - 3層,葉羽狀深裂的二年生小草本植物,毛茛葉報春為具同型花、傘形花序1層、葉羽狀深裂的二年生小草本植物,兩物種都在第一年八月開始萌發幼苗,第二年七月結束其生活史。

3 . the choosing of optimum evaluating methods of immunobiologic activity : if we disposed sheep blood red cells with neuraminic acid enzyme , the e rosettes forming ratio remarkbly increased ; we improved the conventional method of brdu - elisa assay on lymphocyte proliferation induced by cona . the results showed that lymphocyte proliferation induced by pha was better than by cona . 4 3 、 gpif免疫生物活性評價方法的優化對gpife玫瑰花環實驗在不影響srbc活性的基礎上用神經氨酸酶處理,經此法處理后e玫瑰花環形成率明顯提高;對傳統的cona誘導的人外周血淋巴細胞增殖brdu - elisa實驗,進行了方法學改進。

He was bestowed many prestigious honours , including the japanese order of the sacred treasure , gold rays with rosette , an asteroid 3678 named mong man wai star , and honorary doctorates from numerous institutions around the world for his distinguished contributions towards the promotion of industry and commerce as well as the advancement of education , in particular , higher education , medical services and welfare 蒙博士熱心促進工商貿易發展,對教育尤其是高等教育、醫療及社會福利之發展貢獻杰出。蒙博士于一九八四年成立信興教育慈善基金,他曾獲頒日皇勛四等瑞寶章,以及獲中國科學院紫金山天文臺命名蒙民偉星以作表揚,并獲全球多所大學授予榮譽博士學位。

Immunobiologic activity evaluation of gpif : both e rosettes experiment and lymphocyte proliferation assasy showed that immunobiologic activity of gpif steadily exited dose - effect relations , namely , the low concentration ( 0 . 125mg / ml ) activity was lowwer , with the concentration increasing , immunobiologic activity of gpif gradually increased , when it was at the 0 . 5mg / ml , immunobiologic activity of gpif reached summit 表現為低濃度( 0 . 125mg / m1 )免疫生物活性較低,隨著gpif濃度升高而活性逐漸增強,到0 . smg / m1濃度附近時免疫生物活性達到最高,之后逐漸減弱。 gpif免疫生物活性劑量效應曲線呈正態分布。

The bulk of the mass is spread out , forcing stars to trace a spirograph - like rosette : an ellipse that does not close on itself but gets offset each time the star completes one revolution [ see box at right ] 整體質量分散開來,迫使恒星運行方式如旋轉繪圖盤所畫出的花瓣狀螺線:那不是每圈都會封閉起來的橢圓,恒星繞行一周后,軌道并不接合便又重新開始下一周的運動(見右方整理軌道秩序) 。

Inside the cathedral , exquisite , elegant rosette stained glass windows gleamed from a sudden burst of sunlight forcing its way through the clouds as though heaven had opened long enough to light them for us 翻譯:在大教堂里面,一縷突如其來的陽光艱難地穿過厚厚的云層,照射在由華麗精美的貼花所裝飾的玻璃窗上,玻璃窗在陽光的照射下閃閃發光,仿佛是天空特意打開了一個窗口,為我們照亮他們。

Among leaf mutants we have obtained , 7 independent lines showed very similar leaf phenotypes to each other : some of the first pair rosette leaves with petiole growth from underneath leaf blade , displaying a lotus - leaf structure 通過ems化學誘變,尋找到一些形態相似,葉發育異常的突變體,遺傳實驗證明這些突變體可以被分成兩類。

“ dark complexion ; hair , eyebrows , and whiskers , black ; blue frock - coat , buttoned up to the chin ; rosette of an officer of the legion of honor in his button - hole ; a hat with wide brim , and a cane . “褐色的皮膚,頭發,眉毛胡須,都是黑的,排胸扣的藍色披風,鈕扣上掛著榮譽團軍官的玫瑰形勛章,戴闊邊帽子,一支藤手杖。 ”

In recognition of his efforts in promoting bilateral trade between hong kong and japan , the late emperor hirohito bestowed upon dr mong the japanese order of the sacred treasure , gold rays with rosette , in 1988 蒙民偉博士在推動港日兩地經貿發展方面成就卓越,故于一九八八年獲日本天皇裕仁授予勛四等瑞寶章。

In the dissertation are also studied the time - space resolution features of the rosette scan system and discussed the theoretical basis for the subimage target detection , recognition and tracking technologies 分析了玫瑰線掃描系統的時空分辨率特性,為亞圖像目標檢測、識別跟蹤技術提供了理論基礎。

Finally , we ensure immunobiologic activity evaluation methods of gpif wre t cells from pigs thymus of e rosettes experiment and pha inducing lymphocyte proliferation brdu - elisa assay 最終確定gpif免疫生物活性評價方法為: t細胞來源于胸腺的e玫瑰花環實驗和pha誘導的淋巴細胞增殖brdu - elisa實驗。