
rosetta n.羅塞塔〔女子名〕。

rosetta stone

While putting rough set theory into practice , this thesis pays attention to setting - up the proper data structure . in order to improve the data utilization ratio and promote rule quality , this thesis puts forward the method of “ divide equally and examine each other this thesis bring forward the method of dynamic reduce to overcome data noise and confirm the best reduction finally with the help of rosetta tool software we apply the above concept and method to reality , and succeeded in obtaining the optimum rule for the expert system of production scheduling in daye iron ore mine , wuhan iron and steel company 由于標準粗糙集模型對數據噪音高度敏感以及工程應用中數據噪音引入的不可避免性,標準粗糙集模型在實際應用中存在一系列問題,為克服數據噪音以及規則泛化的需要,本文采用變精度模型,由此模型引入近似約簡方法。本文在將粗糙集理論及變精度粗糙集模型應用于實際的同時,注重研究了適當數據結構的建立。為提高數據利用率,提升規則生成的質量,提出了平分互測規則集泛化能力考核方法。

The rosetta tablet consists of three epigraphs , including ancient egyptian pictograph and ancient greek script . scholars thought that according to the deciphered greek script , decoding of ancient egyptian script would follow as a matter of course . but it proved that decoding ancient egyptian pictograph was not as easy as they had thought 羅塞達石碑是由三段銘文組成的,包括古埃及象形文字和古希臘文字學者們認為根據已釋讀出的古希臘文字,揭開古埃及文字的奧秘是順理成章的事實證明破解古埃及象形文字之謎并沒有他們想象的那樣簡單。

This paper get across the application researching of the business assistant decision support system base on rsda , build the rsda model , and improve on the some old arithmetic of rsda to adapt the characteristic of business data . finally , amend the rosetta souce code , then debug and implement antetype system of business assistant decision support system base on rsda , and use the data of experiment to validate the advantage of the improved arithmetic 本文通過基于粗糙集數據分析的商業輔助決策支持系統的應用研究,建立粗糙集數據分析模塊,并利用一些已有的粗糙集數據分析算法,進行改進以進一步適應于商業數據的特點。最后通過在vc + +中對rosetta源碼進行修改,編譯實現了基于粗糙集數據分析的商業輔助決策支持系統的原型系統,并通過實驗數據,進一步驗證了改進后算法的優點。

Several uci data sets are used to test the approach . compared with rosetta toolkit , our method increases the data reduction rate greatly and simplifies the result rules effectively 并用多個uci數據集進行了測試,與著名的rosetta軟件進行了實驗對比,結果說明mie - rs可以大大提高總的數據約簡量,有效地簡化最終得到的規則知識。

Rosetta @ home has been updated to version 5 . 85 . this version contains some fixes in the modeling of symmetric complexes and a much improved rna energy function . for details , see this thread 程序已經更新到5 . 85 。這次修復了一些在對稱復合的建模問題,以及改進了rna能量測量功能。您可以在論壇里獲得更多的資料。

After its closest approach to earth , rosetta looked back and took a number of images using the optical , spectroscopic , and infrared remote imaging system ( osiris ) narrow angle camera ( nac ) 在其經過近地點后, “羅塞塔”用光學、光譜和近紅外遙控成像系統( osiris )窄角相機( nac )回望地球拍攝了一批照片。

The pictures were taken on november 13 , during the spacecraft ' s earth flyby , and on november 15 , as rosetta left on its way to the outer solar system 圖片拍攝于11月13日飛船飛越地球期間,以及11月15日“羅塞塔”踏上飛往外太陽系之路的時候。

If other comets are like this , landing on one ? as the european space agency ' s rosetta mission plans to do in 2014 ? could be tricky 若別的彗星也是如此,想降落在上頭就得花上一番功夫了(歐洲太空總署的羅塞塔任務便計畫在2014年登陸彗星) 。

Rosetta - the rosetta c + + library is a collection of c + + classes and routines that enable discernibility - based empirical modelling and data mining 庫是一個c + +類庫和例程集合,支持基于可識別性的經驗建模和數據挖掘。

The rosetta c + + library is a collection of c + + classes and routines that enable discernibility - based empirical modelling and data mining 庫是一個c + +類庫和例程集合,支持基于可識別性的經驗建模和數據挖掘。

Rosetta @ home updated to 5 . 13 . new version fixes some debugging code that was causing slowdowns in a small fraction of clients 計算程序升級到5 . 13版。新版本修正了一些可能導致少數機器變慢的調試代碼。

In 1799 , a french army officer found a carved piece of stone next to the nile river near rosetta in egypt 1799年,一位法國軍官在埃及羅塞塔附近的尼羅河畔發現了一塊刻有文字的石頭。

Amongst its more notable acquisitions were the rosetta stone and the infamous elgin marbles 其中最著名的是贈品是羅賽塔之石頭和埃爾金大理石雕

Last evening we released updated versions of the rosetta application for all three platforms 昨晚我們針對所有平臺發布了新版本的計算程序。

The european space agency has released color images of earth as seen by rosetta ' s camera 歐空局公布了一批“羅塞塔”拍攝的地球彩照。