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rose of sharon 【植物;植物學】木槿;〔主英〕大萼金絲桃。

rose oil

Assembled for the trip were pa and ma joad ; noah , their mentally backward son , al , the adolescent younger brother of tom and noah , rose of sharon , tom ' s sister and her husband , connie ; the joad children , rothie and winfield , and granma and grampa joad 約好一起動身的人當中有喬德爸和喬德媽、他們那個腦筋遲鈍的兒子諾亞,有湯姆和諾亞還未成年的小弟弟艾爾,有湯姆的妹妹沙倫玫瑰和妹夫康尼;還有喬德家的孩子們羅瑟和溫菲爾德、喬德奶奶和喬德爺爺。

Assembled for the trip were pa and ma joad ; noah , their mentally backward son , al , the adolescent younger brother of tom and noah , rose of sharon , tom ' s sister and her husband , connie ; the joad children , rothie and winfield , and granma and grampa joad 約好一起動身的人當中有喬德爸和喬德媽、他們那個腦筋遲鈍的兒子諾亞,有湯姆和諾亞還未成年的*艾爾,有湯姆的妹妹沙倫玫瑰和妹夫康尼;還有喬德家的孩子們羅瑟和溫菲爾德、喬德奶奶和喬德爺爺。

Rose of sharon , bereft of her baby , nourished the famished man with the milk from her breasts 失掉自己嬰兒的沙倫玫瑰用她的乳汁喂養那個快要餓死的男子。

Rose of sharon , bereft of her baby , nourished the famished man with the milk from her * s 失掉自己嬰兒的沙倫玫瑰用她的乳汁喂養那個快要餓死的男子。

Under these all but impossible conditions , rose of sharon gave birth to a dead baby 在這種簡直活不下去的情況下,沙倫玫瑰生下了一個死嬰。

Song of solomon ( 2 : 1 ) : i am a rose of sharon , a lily of the valleys 雅歌( 2 : 1 ) :我是沙侖的玫瑰花,是谷中的百合花。

“ i am the rose of sharon , the lily of the valleys . 歌2 : 1我是沙侖的玫瑰花、或作水仙花是谷中的百合花。

[ bbe ] i am a rose of sharon , a flower of the valleys 我是沙侖的玫瑰花(或作水仙花) ,是谷中的百合花。

I am the rose of sharon , and the lily of the valleys 我是沙侖的玫瑰花(或作水仙花) ,是谷中的百合花。

I am a rose of sharon , a lily of the valleys 1我是沙侖的玫瑰花、或作水仙花是谷中的百合花。

I am the rose of sharon , and the lily of the valleys 1我是沙侖的玫瑰花、是谷中的百合花。

I am a rose of sharon , a lily of the valleys 我是沙侖的玫瑰花,是谷中的百合花。