
roscoe n.1.羅斯科〔姓氏,男子名〕。2.〔r-〕〔美俚〕手槍...


According to roscoe pound ' s 1953 definition of “ profession ” : the term refers to a group … pursuing a learned art as a common calling in the sprit of service . pursuit of the learned art in the spirit of a public service of a public service is the primary purpose 按照龐德1953年的定義:律師是以一種為公眾服務的精神從事一門富有學問的藝術的法律專家,是把促進社會正義和公眾利益作為全部事業的共同使命的法律專家。

More than thirty years has past and numbers of models have been put forward since prof . k . h . roscoe and his fellows of canbrudge ybuversutt established the first elastoplastic model of soils which is based on classical plastic theory in 1963 自1963年劍橋大學羅斯科等人把傳統的金屬塑性理論用來建立土的彈塑性本構模型以來,已歷經三十多年,提出了眾多的模型。

Sociological jurisprudence , which established by roscoe ? pound , was a basic direction in development of the american law from the end of the nineteen century to beginning of the twenty century 羅斯科?龐德創立的社會學法理學,代表了19世紀末20世紀初美國法學發展的一個基本方向。

Not all who had been at the momentous boardroom session left as speedily as roscoe heyward 在董事會議室參加這次重要會議的人并不都象羅斯科?海沃德那樣一散會就趕緊拔腿溜走。

The conversation , roscoe heyward decided as he hung up the phone , had been eminently satisfactory 羅斯科?海沃德掛上電話,心想這番交談真是再理想也沒有了。

The power struggle between alex vandervoort and roscoe heyward was already well known 亞歷克斯?范德沃特和羅斯科?海沃德之間的權力之爭,早已盡人皆知。

Roscoe heyward was one of the first people to leave the boardroom 羅斯科?海沃德是頭幾個離開董事長會議室的人中的一個。

I was staring at a roscoe 我在看羅斯寇

Roscoe ' s a hustler , baby 羅斯科是個大忙人

You know roscoe karnes 你認識羅斯卡卡尼斯

Roscoe with the voice box 裝人工喉嚨的羅斯卡

? roscoe ' s a hustler , baby ? 羅斯科是個大忙人

Shoot , roscoe cracked that door 洛斯克對著門放了幾槍

Oh , roscoe , hush . let me put him out 哦,羅斯克,讓我來管住他

Roscoe ' s diving header in extra time 羅斯科在加時賽的魚躍頭球?

Hey . hey , roscoe . just the man i need 嗨,嗨,羅斯科我真要找你呢

I ' m sorry . roscoe turner , and this would be gilmore 抱歉,是羅斯科特納這個就是吉爾莫了

I ' m sorry . roscoe turner , and this wouid be giimore 抱歉,是羅斯科特納這個就是吉爾莫了

Thank you ! now i ' d like to ask roscoe arbuckle . . 謝謝你們!現在讓羅斯科阿巴克. .