
rosary n.1.【天主教】念珠;念珠祈禱。2.薔薇冠。3.玫瑰園...


2 . 1 for their own safety and that of others , members of the faithful who feel unwell or show respiratory symptoms , such as coughing , difficulty in breathing , or fever , need not attend sunday mass . however , in this case , they should practise other forms of piety , such as reading scripture , saying the rosary or other prayers 2 . 1如教友身體不適,例如咳嗽氣喘發燒等,為本身及他人的安全起見,可以不參與主日彌撒,但須履行一些善工,如閱讀圣經念玫瑰經或其他祈禱。

Carrying rosary beads and cameras , the faithful have been coming in a steady stream to a church on the outskirts of sacramento for a glimpse of what some are calling a miracle : a statue of the virgin mary they say has begun crying a substance that looks like blood 位于美國加州首府薩克拉曼多市郊的一座教堂里出現了一個“奇跡” :圣母瑪利亞雕像“流淚”了!據說看上去像血一樣的東西從雕像的眼中流出。信徒們手拿玫瑰花環和照相機,紛至沓來,觀看這一所謂的“奇跡” 。

2 . 1 for their own safety and that of others , members of the faithful who feel unwell or show respiratory symptoms , such as coughing , difficulty in breathing , or fever , must not attend sunday mass . however , in this case , they should practise other forms of piety , such as reading scripture , saying the rosary or other prayers 2 .彌撒圣祭2 . 1如教友身體不適,例如咳嗽氣喘發燒等,為本身及他人的安全起見,切勿參與主日彌撒,但須履行一些善工,如閱讀圣經念玫瑰經或其他祈禱。

Our director general luiz gonzaga lau attended the graduation ceremony of saint rosary school on the 28th of june 2006 from 10 am to 12pm , presenting the diplomas to the junior secondary students and took a group photo on invitation with the guest of honors 本會理事長劉源德于2006 - 06 - 28日早上10至12時應邀出席圣玫瑰學校幼稚園、小學及初中畢業典禮,為初中學生頒發畢業證書,并在禮成后與天主教澳門教區鐘副主教及關潔梅校長合照。

Peppino nodded , and taking a rosary from his pocket began to mutter a few prayers while the clerk disappeared through the same door by which danglars and the attendant had gone out . at the expiration of ten minutes the clerk returned with a beaming countenance 庇皮諾點點頭,從他的口袋里拿出一串念珠來,開始低聲地祈禱,而那職員則走進了騰格拉爾和仆役進去的那間房子十分鐘以后,那職員滿面光彩地回來了。

After the recitation of 8 chosen mysteries of the rosary bishop zen , in his homily , tried to show how the misteries of the rosary can inspire the work of evangelization . here is a summary of his sermon in chinese , provided by bishop zen himself 這個月是玫瑰經圣年的高峰,今天我們教區的福傳年揭幕,讓圣母藉著我們念了的八端奧跡,引導我們以適當的心態進入福傳年。

The second right holds a rosary the meaning being , we must recite his holy mantra , the third eliminates the hunger and thirst of pretas , and the fourth holds the wheel of all spiritual teachings ?右手持水晶念珠代表?永無間斷地用盡一切方法度一切眾生。 ?左手持清凈蓮花代表其護持眾生的心念純潔得如蓮花般出污泥而不染。

Mysteries of the holy rosary and the evangelization year ( on the 19th of october the diocese combined the celebration of the rosary year with the inauguration of the year of evangelization 編按:十月十九日傳教節慶典,是教區慶祝福傳年開幕的日子,以下是教區主教陳日君在禮儀中的講道詞全文。

You can even do the beads or recite a rosary , whatever ; but then you become too attached to those beads and that habit and you forget to concentrate here . master points to her wisdom eye 你們甚至可以用念珠來念經,不過你們會過于執著念珠,一旦成為習慣,會忘記要集中在智慧眼,要改過來很難。

I couldn ' t hide the tears any longer , as i placed nanna ' s and auntie vera ' s rosary beads around her neck and watched dasey thread them through her fingers with a smile 當我將奶奶和維拉嬸嬸的留下玫瑰色珠子繞在她的脖子四周,望著她面帶微笑,用手指穿過去的時候,我再也無法掩飾住自己的眼淚。

Mysteries of the holy rosary and the evangelization year on the 19th of october the diocese combined the celebration of the rosary year with the inauguration of the year of evangelization 編按:十月十九日傳教節慶典,是教區慶祝福傳年開幕的日子,以下是教區主教陳日君在禮儀中的講道詞全文。

Some leading figures in sixteenth - century england considered pilgrimages to marian shrines and praying the rosary to be un - scriptural , “ superstitious “ , and / or idolatrous 一些特征引進了十六世紀的英國,認為對瑪麗亞的神祠朝圣和用圣母玫瑰經禱告是不合經文的, “迷信” ,或者是偶像崇拜。

Bohemia : the groom gives the bride a rosary , a prayer book , a girdle with three keys ( to guard her virtue ) , a fur cap , and a silver wedding ring 波黑人:新郎向新娘贈送一串念珠,一本祈禱文,一根上面串著三把鑰匙的腰帶(用以保護她的貞潔) ,一頂毛皮帽,一個銀的結婚戒指。

Mexico : a “ lasso ” a very large rosary , is wound around the couple ' s shoulders and hands during the ceremony to show the union and protection of marriage 墨西哥:在婚禮上,新婚夫婦的肩膀和手被一串很大的念珠( “套鎖” )所纏繞,表示雙方的結合和對婚姻的保護。

It was the men s temperance retreat conducted by the missioner , the reverend john hughes s . j . , rosary , sermon and benediction of the most blessed sacrament 這是耶穌會傳教士約翰休斯所主持的成人戒酒活動,他們在那里靜修,誦玫瑰經,傾聽布道并接受圣體降福。

Mexico : a “ lasso “ a very large rosary , is wound around the couple “ s shoulders and hands during the ceremony to show the union and protection of marriage 墨西哥:在婚禮上,新婚夫婦的肩膀和手被一串很大的念珠( “套索” )所纏繞,表示雙方的結合和對婚姻的保護。

After the recitation of 8 chosen mysteries of the rosary bishop zen , in his homily , tried to show how the misteries of the rosary can inspire the work of evangelization 在歡喜一端里天神嘉俾額爾把喜訊帶給了圣母瑪利亞:天主選了她作為救主耶穌的母親。

After several other messages the lady asked finally for them to resite the rosary daily before she rose in a cloud of light and glided away into the eastern sky 發出其他幾個信息之后,那位女士最后要求他們在她升上發光云層之前給予玫瑰園擇新址。

Painful bones and joints , osteopenia , and distortions in the shape or size of bones ( eg , rachitic rosary ) may indicate current or past malnutrition 骨和關節痛疼、骨質減少及骨的形狀或大小改變(如佝僂病性串珠)均表明目前或過去營養不良。