
rosaline n.=Rosalind.


No quota on student concessionary tickets for the god of dreams by ming ri theatre , lecture - demonstration on vocal music classical singing for all by rosaline pi , boom ! by chapertons comic theatre ( spain ) , cantonese nursery rhymes and folk songs , percussion workshop - cum - concert for childrenfamily by lung heung - wing , concert by hong kong children s symphony orchestra and theatre ensemble the secret garden of red hoodlet 明日劇團《淘氣娃娃夢神仙》 、畢永琴《古典歌曲齊齊唱》 、西班牙反斗車胎三人組、廣東童謠兒歌及民間生活小唱音樂會、龍向榮《親子敲擊工作坊》 、香港兒童交響樂團音樂會及劇場組合《小紅帽的藍色世界》不設全日制學生優惠票限額。

Alan : i belive your daughter is too young to take this kind of instructions . the same case with rosaline 我有嚴正的對女兒說不可這樣,要聽其他人話,但她辦不到,反而說謊說自己很乖有聽話。

Ms . rosaline mak 麥慧心女士