
rosa n.羅莎〔女子名〕。


Yes , if you let rosa sing 是的,如果你們讓羅薩演唱

Rosa kle : corporal , i have chosen you for an important a ignment 羅薩:下士,我選擇你來執行重要任務。

The cardholder is reina rosas sanchez , the wife of “ the voice . 持卡人叫蕾娜?羅沙?桑切斯“嗓音”的老婆

H : may i come in , miss rosa 我可以進來嗎?羅莎小姐?

Tabla rosa is my brain don t mean to bug or drive you insane 有一個人曾讓我知道寄生于世上原是那么好

I know i missed your call rosa 我知道還要給你打電話,羅莎

4 . key blank keys can be added to rosa cymosa attack the enemy 4 .空白鍵加上下鍵可以以尖嘴攻擊敵人。

The mass historical view of rosa luxemburg 盧森堡的群眾史觀

We walked the footsteps of jesus . we walked the via della rosa 然后我們到了迦百農,耶穌服侍的地方

That someone from new york named rosa 紐約一個叫羅莎的人昨晚

The chemical constituents of et2o - extraction from rosa roxburghii tratt 刺梨籽中低極性化學成分分析

Nation in rosa luxemburg ' s thoughts 盧森堡思想中的民族與國家

It ' s very simple . you see , riccardo , he ' s in love with rosa 非常簡單.看,里卡多,他和羅薩相愛了

Rosa , why do you do this to me ? - do what , rodolfo -羅薩,你為什么要這樣對我? -我怎么了,魯道夫

Rosa , i ' m watching you . - this is all a terrible mistake 羅莎,我可盯著你呢-這是個可怕的錯誤

- rosa , i ' m watching you . - this is all a terrible mistake -羅莎,我可盯著你呢-這是個可怕的錯誤

Rosa , baroni , get out there quick 羅薩,布朗尼,趕快到舞臺上去

Museums are for people ms rosa yau 博物館以人為本(邱小金女士)

Built in 1839 , monte rosa is the oldest hotel in town 1839年成立的馬特羅莎是鎮內最老的飯店。