
ropy adj.(-ier; -iest)1.像繩子的;可做繩子...


Auto filler line adopt pneumatic volumetric piston dosing filling principle , enter bottles , orientation , filling , come out bottles controlled by plc , measured up to gmp , suitable for filling products at any kinds of ropy pitch from aquiform to viscosity . , suitable for food medicine , chemistry , pesticide , lube and daily merchandise cosmetic etc 全自動灌裝生產線采用活塞式定量充填原理,進瓶,定位,充填,出瓶均由plc自動控制,符合gmp標準,適用于水狀到膏狀的任何種類的粘稠度的產品的定量灌裝,廣泛用于食品,醫藥,日化,農藥,潤滑油及食用油等行業的灌裝設備。

Semi - automatic filling machine are suitable for filling products at kinds of ropy pitch from aquiform to viscosity . they are suitable for medicine , chemistry , lube and daily merchandise tec 半自動灌裝機系列產品適用于水狀到膏狀的任何種類的粘稠度的產品的定量灌裝。廣泛適用于醫藥、化工、潤滑油及精細化工等行業的灌裝設備。

Blood is ropy be to show the solute in blood increases , basically be the content that points to cholesterol , do not have direct connection with immune force 血液粘稠是指血液里溶質增加了,主要是指膽固醇的含量,和免疫力沒有直接的聯系。

Hisfed has cut rates with the economy looking ropy ? but also with bankers andpoliticians trying to bully him 他主導的美聯儲在看起來不僅束手縛腳的經濟體系中降低了利息? ?并且那些銀行和政客還試圖恐嚇他。

6 , beat the shortcomings of common iodophor . it will not stain the skin . it is not ropy , no bubble and no irritant 6 、克服了一般碘伏的缺點:做到了不黃染、不粘滑、不起泡、不刺激、無沉淀。

By late 2005 , this battle had pushed rates for ropy borrowers down to a little over 7 % 到2005年后期,這場廝殺已經使對資信較差借款人的利率壓低到了略高于7 %的水平。

Immune cell and blood are what relation , is blood ropy influential to immune force 免疫細胞與血液是什么關系,血粘稠對免疫力有影響嗎

We stayed in a really ropy hotel 我們待在一間真的很爛的旅館。

Rather, mucus tends to occur as ropy strands of secretion exuded from the mural bronchial mucus glands . 說得更恰當一點,粘液是壁狀支氣管粘液腺滲出的分泌物,呈膠粘體存在。