
rope n.1.(通常指1-10英寸以上粗細的)索子,麻索 〔c...

rope dancer

A climber goes up the bole, attaches the rope near the top . 攀登者達到樹干,把繩子拴到在靠近頂端處。

Let the rope run free . 把繩子放開。

The rope is too slack . 繩子太松了。

Twist the rope more . 把繩子再搓幾下。

Do n't let go the rope . 握緊繩子別松手。

We need more play on the rope . 繩子要松些。

I'm at the end of my rope . 我們已經絕望了。

I'm at the end of my rope . 我已經智窮力竭。

They roped him to a tree . 他們把他綁在樹上。

The rope has n't been tied fast . 繩子沒系牢。

We were roped into a tour . 我們被哄騙去旅行。

The calves would have to be lassoed and roped up . 小牛要用套索套住,用繩子捆得結結實實。

The rope severed under the strain . 索子拉斷了。

Quick, catch hold of the rope . 快點,抓住繩索。

The early chinese built suspension bridges of hemp rope . 古代的中國人建造過麻繩懸索橋。

The rope ran out smoothly . 繩子順利地拉出來了。

He wound up the loose rope . 他卷攏起松散的繩子。

The sailors on the cliff top threw down a rope . 站在懸崖頂上的那幾個水兵放下一根繩子。

He grasps at a swinging rope 他盡力抓住搖擺的繩子。