
rootless adj.無根的。adv.-ly ,-ness n.


I have seen people wage wars for food , killing each other and forgetting to seek their “ true self “ . i have seen them waste their lives just for money , without a goal in life . like the rootless duckweed , they drift in whichever direction the current takes them 看著世界大多數的人拼死拼活,甚至為了吃互相殘殺引起戰爭,根本沒有自己的目標,一天過一天只為了錢為了口腹之欲而已,忘了找尋真我,像無根的浮萍,任由波浪推東就往東,推西就往西。

While the film is rooted in the cultural landscape of tsai ming - liang ' s childhood , it courageously and dispassionately follows the almost random intersections of undocumented , essentially rootless immigrants , human refuse , lost souls looking for a new life , a better future 這部片源自于導演童年的文化背景,勇敢并不帶情感的跟著偶然巧遇的無家移民、無作為的人們及迷惑的靈魂一起尋找新生活及更好的未來。

A central evolutionary trend of the microtine is the gradual development of rootless , very high - crowned cheek teeth that grow throughout life and are well adapted to a highly abrasive diet most fossil specimens are cheek teeth of voles Eva 。田鼠亞科的歸屬,目前有兩種觀點。一種是將它作為倉鼠科下的一個亞科,另一種是將它作為鼠科下的一個亞科。

Therefore , it is imperative for singapore to ensure that cultures of east and west complement each other for its own good , since a “ rootless “ society would be in great peril 東西文化的相互配合是目前新加坡社會的一個重要課題,沒有“根”的社會是極為危險的。

Therefore , it is imperative for singapore to ensure that cultures of east and west complement each other for its own good , since a rootless society would be in great peril 東西文化的相互配合是目前新加坡社會的一個重要課題,沒有“根”的社會是極為危險的。

We must therefore constantly strengthen our traditional values and virtues of various ethnic communities and avoid becoming “ rootless duckweeds ” 因此,我們必須不斷地加強和鞏固各族群的傳統價值觀和美德,以避免成為“無根的浮萍” 。

Have we not been reminded often enough not to be rootless floating weeds and our roots are our history - not knowing our history is not knowing where our roots are 不要做無根的浮萍,這話我們聽得還少嗎?什么是根?根就是歷史。

His anxiety resulted from his rootless feeling , his ehoice of values and meaninglessness that was caused by his historical recycling view 而其無意義焦慮的根源在于周作人一貫的歷史循環論。

That is the curse of rootless men like kenyon , who do not understand the real meaning of allegiance and loyalty 這是對像凱尼恩這樣“無根的人”的詛咒,他無法理解忠誠和效忠的真正含義。

I sat on our scratchy brick stoop , dangling my legs off the edge , feeling more rootless than i “ ve ever felt 我在磚面粗糙的門廊上坐下,雙腳懸蕩著,一種前所未有過得無根感涌上心頭。

I sat on our scratchy brick stoop , dangling my legs off the edge , feeling as rootless as i ' ve ever felt 我在磚面粗糙的門廊上坐下,雙腳懸蕩著,一種前所未有的無根感涌上心頭。

Many poor immigrants in the united states found themselves rootless and exploited 在當時的美國,許多貧窮移民流離失所,受到了剝削。

But we do not criticize it was “ rootless and stemless 但是我們并不批評它是”無根無莖”的

Floating modern society : rootless modernity and its expression 無根的現代性及其呈現

His faith in himself had been shattered and now he felt rootless and adrift . 他的自信心已經崩潰,此時此刻,他覺得自己猶如一葉浮萍,不知飄向何方。