
root n.魯特〔姓氏〕。

root borer

Dig the meaning out by the roots . 刨根問底。

Harry hopkins always went to the root of the matter . 哈里霍普金斯常常能抓住問題的實質。

The root hair cell wall invaginates at the point of contact . 在接觸點上,根毛細胞壁內凹。

The idea took strong root . 這種思想根深蒂固。

The occurrence of hemoglobin in root nodules is notable . 值得注意的是根瘤中出現血紅蛋白。

These things happen for a good reason , they have social roots . 事出有因,各有社會基礎。

Terror rooted him to the spot . 嚇得他呆立不動。

What is the square root of 9 ? 9的平方根是多少?

He loved to speak of his ancestors as rooted in normandy . 他喜歡說他的祖先來自諾曼底。

Terror rooted him to the ground . 他嚇得呆若木雞。

Soil compaction may limit horizontal root extension . 土壤的緊密度能限制水平根的擴展。

The n roots of this equation are called the eigenvalues . 這個方程A的n根叫做特征值。

The young pines have struck roots . 小松樹都扎根了。

The root of the young tree has struck deep into earth . 小樹的根已經深深地扎入土里。

We dug up the tree by its roots . 我們將樹連根挖起。

The young tree has struck root . 這棵小樹已經扎根了。

At maturity the root system is extensively nodulated . 在成熟時,根系普遍具有根瘤。

I was carefully to state the root fact bluntly . 我很慎重地、坦率地介紹了基本事實。

It was exterminated root and branch . 它被徹底剪除了。