
rooster n.1.〔美、方〕雄雞。2.狂妄自負的人。3.飛機問答機...


Jn . 18 : 27 then peter denied again , and immediately a rooster crowed 約十八27彼得又不承認,立刻雞就叫了。

I despise a floggin ' rooster , - 我可不怕會欺負人的公雞

The rooster crows his morning crow 大公雞早晨要打鳴了

The rooster crows . the rooster crows 公雞打鳴公雞打鳴

- i despise a floggin ' rooster , - 我可不怕會欺負人的公雞

Lastly , may i wish you all every success in the year of the rooster 最后,祝大家心想事成,萬事勝意!

A strutting rooster , a he - goat , and a king with his army around him 獵狗、公山羊、和無人能敵的君王。

Lunar new year series no . 7 ( year of the rooster ) souvenir card 生肖系列七號(歲次乙酉雞年)紀念卡

Best feature film , best score - golden rooster awards ( 1985 ) 1985年電影金雞獎最佳故事片、最佳作曲

An adult male chicken ; a rooster 公雞一只已成熟的公雞;雄雞

The crow of the rooster woke me up 雄雞的啼叫聲把我吵醒了。

Cleo : a rooster . okay , what else 一只公雞。好,還有什么啊?

Rooster : hmph . i can ' t stand elvis 公雞:我受不了艾爾維斯。

Rooster is a very observant person 屬雞的人觀察力非常敏銳。

Peter then denied it again , and immediately a rooster crowed 約18 : 27彼得又不承認立時雞就叫了。

Don ' t talk with him ; he is a rooster 別理他,他太狂妄自負了。

I despise a floggin ' rooster , - ( crows ) 我可不怕會欺負人的公雞

Rooster : robert , good to meet you 公雞:羅伯特,很高興見到你!

Lunar new year series no . 7 ( year of rooster ) souvenir card 生肖系列七號(歲次乙酉-雞年)紀念卡