
roost n.1.棲架;雞塒,雞棚,雞舍;同棲的一群家禽。2.棲息...


You should not have sold the motor - cycle in that unsafe condition ; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost 你不該把那輛不安全的摩托車賣掉,你的不端行為遲早會得到報應。

More likely , mr putin will go on ruling the roost at home , perhaps leaving foreign policy to mr medvedev 更有可能的是,普京先生將繼續在國內當家,而把外交事務托付給梅德韋杰夫先生。

T - bag : wonder what happened to that boy ? maybe them mafia chickens came home to roost after all “我琢磨那孩子到底碰上什么事兒了?可能他們那幫黑手黨鳥人們最后都得回老家歇著去。 ”

Eggs for breakfast were ideal because they were at their freshest when gathered from the previous night ' s roost 而早餐時吃雞蛋更為完美,因為剛從雞窩里取出的雞蛋是最新鮮的。

Feral pigeons are not afraid of people . they roost and nest readily in man - made structures and have a diverse diet 野鴿不怕人,在人類的搭建物隨處筑巢棲息,而且相當雜食。

You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition ; sooner of later you misdeeds will come home to roost 你不該把那輛不安全的汽車賣掉,你的不端行為遲早會得到報應。

At home alfred roberts rules the roost , and there was no question that what he said went 在家里,是艾爾弗雷德?羅伯茨說了算,他說什么,就是什么,不容許表示任何懷疑。

To prevent congregation of pigeons , avoid feeding the pigeons and modify the location to prevent roosting 要防止野鴿群集,應避免喂飼野鴿及改造地理環境以防止它們棲息

But long after the red cockaded woodpeckers had gone to roost , the ornithologists were still there 可在紅冠啄木鳥離去歇著很久之后,鳥類學家還待著不走。

Regular cutting of the grass along the pond bunds so that the areas of short grass are available for roosting birds 定期除草,使其他鳥類可于魚塘塘?棲息

Sometimes her chickens come home to roost . that means her actions or words cause trouble for her 而有的時候她又太鹵莽。意識是她的言行給她引來了麻煩。

Waterbirds welcome a major renovation of their roosting home at mai po nature reserve 10 october 2005 米埔自然保護區重整雀鳥棲息地2005年10月10日

Business dinners are best carried out on the first floor while couples are advised to roost upstairs 一樓適合商務用餐,而二樓則是情侶們的天地。

The pigeons will always come back to places where food and roosting sites are readily available 野鴿經常會返回容易找到食物和可供棲息的地方。

The champagne is poured over the inside and outside of the bird in a roosting bed ( roasting bag ) 香檳灌入裝在烤袋里的火雞的內部和外面。

Light free roost 無光雞舍

Beware of traps , hen roosts , bacon and eggs ; always walk upon your hind legs 留心陷阱、雞窩、腌熏里脊肉加蛋,總是用后腿走路。 ”

Curses come home to roost 害人反害己。

Cock of the roost 在小天地里稱王稱霸的人