
roosevelt n.1.羅斯福〔姓氏〕。2.Franklin Delan...


Theodore roosevelt understood the dimensions of the popular fear of “trusts,“ and he abhorred monopoly . 西奧多羅斯福了解公眾多么害怕托拉斯,他憎惡壟斷。

Victor henry saw that he had scored with roosevelt and that the moment was favorable . 維克多亨利看到自己已經贏得了羅斯福的好感,也看到目前正是有利時機。

Roosevelt would desperately need the support of southerners on foreign policy in the next congress . 在下屆國會中,羅斯福極需南部人對他的外交政策的支持。

“we can't ask the iranians to ask us,“ roosevelt replied with casual candor . “我們可不能要求伊朗人來要求我們,”羅斯福用一種隨隨便便的坦率口氣回答。

The aggressive campaign gave roosevelt the initiative that he had seemingly lost . 這種富有進取精神的競選活動,使羅斯福又取得了似乎已經失去的主動權。

If what you say is accurate, roosevelt is pronouncing a long-range doom on all free men . 如果你說的話沒錯,羅斯福是在對全體自由人宣布長期的厄運。

We noticed that tried to play down her glamour and be more like eleanor roosevelt . 我們注意到,Faye有意抑制自己的魅力,使自己更象埃莉諾羅斯福。

For this nearly catastrophic rupture, roosevelt was himself in large measure responsible . 對于他黨內近于災難性的分裂,大部分要由羅斯福本人負責。

The fbi was started under teddy roosevelt by attorney general charles bonaparte . 聯幫調查局是在特迪羅斯福領導下由司法部長查理波拿巴創建的。

He brought the crusty old battler word from roosevelt that it was time to quit . 他從羅斯福那帶去了那句執拗的陳舊的戰斗口號:是認輸的時候了。

It's important to note that the roosevelts didn't stage a big wedding for the hopkins . 值得注意的是,羅斯福夫婦沒有為霍普金斯舉行盛大婚禮。

It was such a raw moment that roosevelt said they had all better get ready for dinner . 當時的局面非常僵,因此羅斯福說,他們最好準備進餐。

Then disaster struck in august 1921, when an attack of polio laid roosevelt low . 1921年8月,羅斯福大難臨頭,脊髓灰質炎損害了他的健康。

Obviously, roosevelt was feeling his way and assuring his nomination in 1904 . 雖然羅斯福正在摸索自己的道路,并為1904年總統提名作準備。

The campaign, however, soon turned into a verbal duel between roosevelt and wilson . 可是,競選很快變成羅斯福與威爾遜之間的一場舌戰。

Advice came to roosevelt from all sides in the autumn of 1901 to move slowly . 1901年秋,來自四面八方的忠告都勸羅斯福不要操之過急。

Mr. roosevelt gave me for a birthday present a beautiful persian porcelain vase . 羅斯福先生把一個美麗的波斯瓷瓶當作壽禮贈送給我。

Roosevelt and hull both replied in words that scarcely concealed their disgust . 羅斯福和赫爾的答詞,幾乎沒有隱藏他們的憎惡之情。

Roosevelt solved the difficulty by judicious mixture of courtesy and sternness . 羅斯福明智地混合運用禮貌與嚴峻來解決這個困難。