
roomy adj.(-ier; -iest) 寬敞的,廣闊的;有很...


The old prince used to wear the old - fashioned dress , the kaftan and powder . and when prince andreynot with the disdainful face and manners with which he walked into drawing - rooms , but with the eager face with which he had talked to pierrewent in to his fathers room , the old gentleman was in his dressing - room sitting in a roomy morocco chair in a 當安德烈向父親內室走去時,老頭不是帶著他在自己客廳里故意裝的不滿的表情和態度,而是帶著他和皮埃爾交談時那種興奮的神情,老年人坐在更衣室里一張寬大的山羊皮面安樂椅上,披著一條撲粉用披巾,把頭伸到吉洪的手邊,讓他撲粉。

Unlike most public golf course , kau sai chau features comprehensive clubhouse facilities , making it an ideal place for a corporate golf day or tournament . facilities include a coffee shop and a roomy bar . a function room is available for business meetings , receptions and other events ?西洲公眾高爾夫球場,是香港第一個不設會籍制度的公眾高爾夫球場,以大眾化收費,為普羅市民及旅客提供達至國際標準的高爾夫球場地及訓練設施,以推廣高爾夫球這項有益身心的運動。

So on this , the first lady - day on which the durbeyfields were expellable , the house , being roomy , was required for a carter with a large family ; and widow joan , her daughters tess and liza - lu , the boy abraham and the younger children , had to go elsewhere 所以圣母節的第一天剛到,德北菲爾德一家就非得離開,這座房屋的房間多,被一個有一大家人的趕大車的租用了寡婦瓊和她的女兒苔絲麗莎露,還有兒子阿伯拉罕和更小的一些孩子,不得不搬往其它的地方。

When entered the cultural and education section of the british embassy , the roomy and bright reception area , like a library , greeted us , there were numerous english books tightly stacked on the shelves , and several chinese students were reading the materials on overseas study of uk 一走進英國大使館文化教育處,寬敞明亮的接待區就象一個圖書館,密密麻麻的英文書籍擺滿了書架,幾位中國學生正在瀏覽著赴英留學的資料。

At present , the main products for the rural using are two series lck6605d . lck6607d , covering several products , all the products adopted high and medium grade bus body technology , with the fashionable design and roomy interior space , pay more attention on the bus performance 目前,已受自治區公安廳委托,為其開發生產9 m系列及6 m系列考試用車,這批車的開發和生產也將為自治區各駕校提供適宜的教練車。

Choose the proper size and shape ( able to put one finger at heel side ) the front should be roomy enough for the toes to lie flat and wiggle , but it should not be too wide , otherwise the friction will cause calluses the material should be soft , breathable and flexible 鞋碼適中,鞋內留一橫指的空間;鞋頭質料宜軟、宜圓、宜寬,能讓所有腳趾平放和略為活動;但不宜過寬,因會增加皮膚的磨擦而生厚繭。

Choose the proper size and shape able to put one finger at heel side the front should be roomy enough for the toes to lie flat and wiggle , but it should not be too wide , otherwise the friction will cause calluses the material should be soft , breathable and flexible 鞋碼適中,鞋內留一橫指的空間鞋頭質料宜軟宜圓宜寬,能讓所有腳趾平放和略為活動但不宜過寬,因會增加皮膚的磨擦而生厚繭。

Lotus lounge the lotus lounge , on the first floor , is the first facility to see when guests enter the hotel . the circular layout makes the restaurant roomy and the european fountain in the middle makes the quiet environment lively 位于酒店首層的蓮廊咖啡廳,是賓客步入酒店后首先接觸到的餐飲設施,圓形布局使得餐廳的視野開闊,中心的歐式噴泉為這個安靜的環境平添了幾分活潑的氣氛。

Visit the singapore history museum and you can see the country ' s short history makes the halls appear rather too roomy for the exhibits . an old , tiny tin of tiger balm is kept as a relic , and rocks dating five centuries back are honoured as terrific antiques 去歷史博物館看看,由于歷史短,博物館未免顯得有些空落:一盒萬金油也被當作文物,五百年前有石頭就算了不起的“遺跡”了。

Rectangular living rooms spanning 24 ft in length have a roomy and practical layout with ceilings of more than 14 ft . it faces the garden to welcomes sunlight inside and exudes the luxury style of a mansion 客廳長達約24尺,呈長方形設計,加上逾14尺特高樓底,令室內空間寬敞實用,而面向花園的設計亦令客廳更光猛開揚,盡現大宅風范。

It is the one - bedroom apartment . the newly “ all in one “ design , the hallway opens onto the living room with large facing windows , offers a more roomy living area 這是面積較為適中的一室一廳型寓所。其創新的開放式設計,令餐廳與客廳合而為一,使生活空間倍顯寬敞舒適。

The newly “ all in one “ design one bedroom apartment , the hallway opens onto the living room with large facing windows , offers a more roomy living area 一室一廳型寓所。其創新的開放式設計,令餐廳與客廳合而為一,使生活空間倍顯寬敞舒適。

With both electric and kickstart operations , a roomy and low dual - seat , the ybr125 gives all the versatility you could want from a lightweight commuter 既有穩健經營、電燈、雙低了寬敞議席ybr125多才多藝的你可以讓所有想要從輕量級通勤

Yeah sometimes we quarrel , but more often we cuddle , chat , and stuff ourselves together even when we ' ve a roomy home ( especially in the winter time ) 我們是一對歡喜冤家, ?時喜愛斗斗口,又不時會糖糲豆,天氣寒冷時更加是形影不離!

This crossbody bag has front and back pockets and a roomy zip compartment . adjustable strap . contrast stitching . genuine leather . 7 . 5 “ x 8 “ 這個跨包前后都有口袋和寬敞的拉鏈間隔間。有縫紉設計,可以調節的帶子。真皮制作。

A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst , with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother ' s pelvis and tailbone 猴兒進入產道時,頭下腳上,較寬的后腦勺頂著母猴骨盆背面和尾椎的寬敞空間。

He stood beside them beaming on them first and on his roomy clothes from points of which mr dedalus flicked fluff , saying 他站在他們旁邊,先朝他們,接著又朝自己那身松松垮垮的衣服眉飛色舞地望望。

The storage bay included roomy lockers , and inside was a small yet well - equipped medical suite 其儲物艙有許多帶鎖的柜子,還有一個雖然小但設施完備的醫療室。

Wow . so roomy 啊.好寬敞