
roomful n.滿房間;一屋子的人;滿場的人,滿座。


Halloween is long gone , but new yorkers will be able from saturday to pay to view a roomful of human cadavers , fileted limbs and dissected organs as part of a gruesome yet realistic exhibit on the human body 從11月19日開始,紐約市民將有機會在遍布死尸的展廳內參觀。據路透社11月17日報道, 22具真人尸體和260多個人體器官將于19日在曼哈頓展出。

Although wang ' s command of english is far more limited than his command of a devastating 95 - mph sinker , his one - liner cracked up a roomful of reporters 雖然小民對于英文的掌控能力遠遜于他對于那95英哩的變態深卡球的掌控能力,他說的玩笑話讓全場的記者哄堂而笑

On a large projector screen , a video of master s lecture entitled “ face life with courage “ given in london in june 1999 was presented to a roomful of audience members 當天,我們以大螢幕播放了1999年6月師父在倫敦講經的錄影帶,標題為勇敢面對生活。

It is said that working in a roomful of smokers is harmful to nonsmokers 據說在一屋子吸煙人中間工作對不抽煙的人來說是有害的。

I got a roomful of people up there 我那里有一屋子人

She ' s got a roomful of cousins 她會有一大堆的堂兄弟姐妹

Ollie , you called a roomful of press a bunch of jerk - offs , 奧利,你把一屋子的記者叫做混蛋