uploads/room mate.jpg

room mate 〔美國〕同房間的人。

room service

The pair are room mates during spain ' s world cup campaign , and ramos is sure to try to persuade his 19 - year - old colleague to move to the bernabeu 二人在西班牙征戰世界杯期間住同一房間,拉莫斯將勸說19歲的同伴加盟伯納烏。

Li ching - pin and sun kam - ngai are room mates , both are popular in the school . they dislike each other , but finally become good friends . . 李青萍葛蘭飾與孫錦霓林翠飾是同室密友,均屬學校鋒頭人物。

We can also guaranteed “ room sharing “ , if we can not find room mate for you , we will pay for your room rate difference 一人參加可協助配房,如無法找到,單人房差價由本公司負擔。