
room n.1.室,房間。2.場所,席位,位置,地位,空間。3....

room clerk

The bishop was ill in his room . 主教身體不爽,呆在自己的房間里。

Leave them outside the room before going to bed .. 上床前把它放在門外。

He bellowed his answer across the room . 他從屋子那邊大聲地答復。

This room communicates with another room . 這間屋子和另外一間屋子相通。

This room is 16 square metres in area . 這個房間的面積為16平方米。

Yates is storming away in the dining room . 耶茨在餐廳里大喊大叫。

Christine surveyed the room approvingly . 克麗絲汀贊許地環視一下房間。

A lady has just gone to the delivery room . 方才有位太太進接生間去了。

Tell me the names of the objects in this room . 告訴我這屋各物之名稱。

Quentin heads back to his harvard rooms . 昆丁徑直回到他在哈佛的住處。

The secretary abruptly left the conference room . 書記突然離開會議室。

She goes through the room toward the door . 她穿過屋子向門口走去。

He turned on his heel and left the room . 他轉過身去,離開了房間。

He fluttered about the room nervously . 他心緒不寧地在房間里徘徊。

There is only one inlet into the room . 只有一個通道進入這個房間。

The police questioned everybody in the room . 警察詢問了室內所有的人。

She darted into the women's dressing room . 她急沖沖趕到女化妝室。

The furniture in the room was made to order . 屋里的家具是定制的。

This room is smotheringly hot and close . 這屋子里實在悶熱得難受。