
rookie n.〔軍俚〕新兵;新手,新隊員,新來者。 a rooki...


Thursday marks a big day for undrafted rookie coby karl 周四對未選秀的新人可比?卡爾來說是重要的一天。

The rookie invention mission no longer has a 3 % chance of failure 新手發明任務將不會再有3 %的失敗率。

The rookie thrilled the crowd with another slam - dunk 那位新選手以又一個強有力的扣殺使觀眾興奮不已。

[ announcer 1 ] the fans are pulling for rookie driver maggie peyton , 所有人都在為新手瑪格佩頓打氣

Her father is a rookie at playing golf 她父親是高爾夫球菜鳥

And rookie driver belle williams - 還有最新出道的貝爾威廉姆斯

Rookie wings damaged ! losing altitude 主翼受損!失去高度了!

Basketball star , vince carter , is name nba rookie of the year 籃球明星文斯卡特是當年的nba新人王

A rookie . she ' s coming off a stint 新手-她是個國家安全分析員

Set the sixers all - time rookie record with 1 , 787 points 作為新秀,賽季得分1787分,創nba最高記錄

This , too , is a common rookie mistake 這也是新手容易犯的錯誤。

What can you say ? rookie mistake 我能說什么?只是經驗不足而已

Announcer 1 the fans are pulling for rookie driver maggie peyton , 所有人都在為新手瑪格佩頓打氣

So you had two rookies in the same car . that ' s criminal 你讓兩個菜鳥同一臺車出勤.那是違法的

Rookie help me ! he ' s right behind me 快來幫幫我!他就在我后面!

Thursday marks a big day for undrafted rookie coby karl 周四對新人可比?卡爾來說是重要的一天。

Trapped in here like some dumb rookie 我被困在這里就像個傻蛋新兵

- captain kennedy ? - you the new rookie -肯尼迪隊長嗎? -你是新丁?

Precisely . you , the rookie , please handle the gun properly 請準確點.你這個新手,持槍姿勢要正確