
rookery n.〔英國〕1.白嘴鴉[海豹、企鵝等]群(的棲居處)。 ...


Its grey front stood out well from the background of a rookery , whose cawing tenants were now on the wing : they flew over the lawn and grounds to alight in a great meadow , from which these were separated by a sunk fence , and where an array of mighty old thorn trees , strong , knotty , and broad as oaks , at once explained the etymology of the mansion s designation 灰色的正面正好被后面一個白嘴鴉的巢穴映襯著,顯得很凸出,它的居住者正在邊房呱呱叫個不停,飛越草坪和庭園,落到一塊大草地上。一道矮籬把草地和庭園分開。草地上長著一排排巨大的老荊棘樹叢,強勁多節,大如橡樹,一下子說明屋宇名稱字源意義的由來。

The spacious lawn , peaceful pond , rookeries , and the lush green trees , provide guests with an exceptionally rich natural environment . suzhou hotel is the city s biggest 4 - star international tourist hotel equipped with modern facilities and possessing the feature of suzhou classical gardens 長期以來,飯店憑借其獨特的環境優勢,與世界通訊順暢的便捷,致力于歐洲市場的開發與促銷,形成了以法英德荷西班牙等國的歐洲市場為主要客源群體,聲譽歐洲。

Strange delight inspired me : on i hastened . another field crossed - a lane threaded - and there were the courtyard walls - the back offices : the house itself , the rookery still hid 一種奇怪的喜悅激勵著我,使我急煎煎往前趕路,穿過另一片田野走過一條小徑看到了院墻但后屋的下房府摟本身以及白嘴鴉的巢穴,依然隱而不見。

From my seat i could look down on thornfield : the grey and battlemented hall was the principal object in the vale below me ; its woods and dark rookery rose against the , west 建有城垛的灰色府第是低處溪谷中的主要景物,樹林和白嘴鴉黑魈魈的巢穴映襯著西邊的天際。

During the voyage , our onboard fleet of zodiacs will transfer you to penguin rookeries , where you are welcomed by a committee of chattering birds 在這次旅行中,您將到達企鵝棲息地,鳥類將會以自己的方式歡迎大家。

At last the woods rose ; the rookery clustered dark ; a loud cawing broke the morning stillness 樹林終于出現在眼前,白嘴鴉黑壓壓一片,呱呱的響亮叫聲打破了清晨的寂靜。

A small section of a very large temporary pelican rookery gathers near lake eyre in far western queensland -整群塘鵝聚集在昆士蘭省西部的艾耳湖。

My mother and i lived in rookery cottage , along with our servant . peggotty 我和母親連同傭人佩格蒂一起住在魯克里村舍里。

Last spring , shadle headed to tampa bay to photograph a spoonbill rookery there 去年夏天,夏德去坦帕灣拍攝琵鷺聚居地。

To do a piece on the sea lion rookery before l come up .到海獅的棲息地做研究

It was travelling north on its annual migration to the rookeries of bering sea . 現在正當一年一度向北遷徒到白令海的老窩去的季節。

In the present rookery there were odd things . 就在眼前這座破房子里稀奇古怪的東西可多了。