
rook n.1.【鳥類】白嘴鴉;〔北英〕烏鴉。2.賭棍;騙子。v...


On the first day , when , getting up early in the morning , he came out of the shed into the dawn , and saw the cupolas and the crosses of the new monastery of the virgin , all still in darkness , saw the hoar frost on the long grass , saw the slopes of the sparrow hills and the wood - clad banks of the encircling river vanishing into the purple distance , when he felt the contact of the fresh air and heard the sounds of the rooks crying out of moscow across the fields , and when flashes of light suddenly gleamed out of the east and the suns rim floated triumphantly up from behind a cloud , and cupolas and crosses and hoar frost and the horizon and the river were all sparkling in the glad light , pierre felt a new feeling of joy and vigour in life such as he had never experienced before 第一天,他一大早就起了床,走出棚子,頭一眼就看見新圣母修道院開始還發暗的圓屋頂和十字架,看見覆蓋著塵土的草上的寒露,看見麻雀山的丘陵,看見隱沒在淡紫色遠方的,長滿了樹木的,蜿蜒著的河岸,他覺得空氣清新,沁人肺腑,可以聽到從莫斯科飛越田野的烏鴉的啼叫聲,一會兒,在東方天際邊,突然噴射出萬道霞光,一輪紅日從云層里漸漸顯露出來。于是,圓屋頂,十字架露水遠方和那條小河所有這一切都在陽光下閃爍,這時,皮埃爾感覺到一種從來都沒有經歷過的,全新的,生活的喜悅和力量。

I was yet enjoying the calm prospect and pleasant fresh air , yet listening with delight to the cawing of the rooks , yet surveying the wide , hoary front of the hall , and thinking what a great place it was for one lonely little dame like mrs . fairfax to inhabit , when that lady appeared at the door 我欣賞著這番寧靜的景象和誘人的新鮮空氣,愉快地傾聽著白嘴鴉的呱呱叫聲,細細打量著這所莊園寬闊灰白的正面,心里琢磨著,偌大一個地方,居然只住著像費爾法犯斯太太這樣一位孤單矮小的貴婦人。就在這時,這位婦人出現在門邊了。

Noirtier , for whom france was a vast chess - board , from which pawns , rooks , knights , and queens were to disappear , so that the king was checkmated - m . noirtier , the redoubtable , was the next morning poor m . noirtier , the helpless old man , at the tender mercies of the weakest creature in the household , that is , his grandchild , valentine ; a dumb and frozen carcass , in fact , living painlessly on , that time may be given for his frame to decompose without his consciousness of its decay . “ alas , sir , “ said monte cristo “ this spectacle is neither strange to my eye nor my thought 諾瓦蒂埃先生在頭一天晚上還是老雅各賓派成員,老上議院的義員,老燒炭黨分子,嘲笑斷頭臺,嘲笑大炮,嘲笑匕首,諾瓦蒂埃先生,他玩弄革命,諾瓦蒂埃先生,對他來說法國是一面大棋盤,他使得小卒,城堡,騎士和王后一個個地失蹤,甚至使國王被困,諾瓦蒂埃先生,這樣可畏的一個人物,第二天早晨卻一下子變成了可憐的諾瓦蒂埃先生,變成了孤苦無助的老頭子,得讓家里最軟弱無力的一員,就是他的孫女瓦朗蒂娜來照顧他。

The daylight has nothing to show me , since you are not here , and i don t like to see the rooks and starlings in the fields , because i grieve and grieve to miss you who used to see them with me . i long for only one thing in heaven or earth or under the earth , to meet you , my own dear 因為你不在我這兒,所以光明已經不再吸引我了,田野里出現的白嘴鴉和椋鳥,我也不喜歡看了,這都是因為和我一起看它們的你不在我的身邊而使我感到悲傷難過的緣故。

The spreading gradation soil analyzed in the article is a cohesive coarse soil . it ' s a kind of crude soil - rook mixtures . it ' s often devided into fine material and coarse material by the save of 5mm and the charge of the two contents affects its project quality directly 本論文研究的寬級配礫質土指的是黏性粗粒土,是一種天然的土石混合料,其顆粒組成通常以5mm為界分為粗料和細料兩部分,這兩部分組成含量的變化直接影響到它的工程性質。

Under the playing system , two players manoeuvre the pieces such as the rook and the knight in a stylized mock military campaign in accordance with the players ' own judgement , understanding , and mastery of the rules and playing techniques for the game 在這種棋制的基礎上,下棋雙方根據自己對棋局形式的理解和對棋藝規律的掌握,在一塊棋盤上調動車馬,協調作戰,而所有象徵性的軍事戰斗就在這塊特定的戰場上發生。

To think of him house and homeless , rooked by some landlady worse than any stepmother , was really too bad at his age . the queer suddenly things he popped out with attracted the elder man who was several years the other s senior or like his father 考慮到他既沒有棲身之所,又沒有親人,錢財都被一個比任何后媽都更歹毒的房東大娘榨騙了去以他這個年而言,確實糟糕透了。

Abstract : this paper discribes the principle of rook acoustic emission techniques . some applications such as insitu rock stress measuring , locating high stress zone , predicting roof falling and evaluating rook stability are presented 文摘:論述了巖體聲發射技術的基本原理,介紹了其在采礦工程中的若干應用成果:地應力測量、高應力區圈定、冒頂預測預報、穩定性評價。

Its all over , but i am a coward , yes , i am a coward , thought rostov , and with a heavy sigh he took his rook , who had begun to go lame of one leg , from the man who held him and began mounting “什么都完了,不過我是個膽小鬼,是的,我是個膽小鬼, ”羅斯托夫想了想,深深嘆口氣,便從控馬兵手里牽走他那匹腿上有點毛病的“白嘴鴉” ,縱身騎上去了。

And now i can recall the picture of the grey old house of god rising calm before me , of a rook wheeling round the steeple , of a ruddy morning sky beyond 如今,我能回憶起當時的情景:灰色的老教堂寧靜地聳立在我面前一只白嘴鴉在教堂尖頂盤旋遠處的晨空通紅通紅。

Two years ago last christmas your uncle silas was coming up from newrleans on the old lally rook , and she blowed out a cylinder - head and crippled a man 兩年前,圣誕節,你姨父西拉斯搭乘拉里羅克號輪船從新奧爾良上來,一只汽缸蓋爆炸,炸傷了一個男子。

No , im wounded , and my horse is killed . rook tried to get up on his forelegs , but he sank again , crushing his riders leg under his leg “不,我負了傷,馬被打死了。 ” “白嘴鴉”正要伸出前腿,支撐起來,可是它倒下了,壓傷了乘馬者的一條腿。

The black rook threatens to drive its white counterpart away from the seventh rank . with the following maneuver white prevents this from happening 黑車威脅要將白車驅逐出第七橫排生命線,但是在白方靈活的招法下,黑方的愿望沒有實現。

From the wood s edge rabbits bobbed and nibbled . rooks suddenly rose in a black train , and went trailing off over the little sky 樹林的邊緣,一些兔子在那兒跳躍著或咀嚼著,一群小烏鴉突然地飛了起來,在那小小的天空里翱翔而過。

The queen has the combined moves of the rook and the bishop , i . e . , the queen may move in any straight line , horizontal , vertical , or diagonal 王后是車和主教移動方式的組合,王后可以按任何任何直線運動,水平,豎直,或者斜移。

Now , let him come on , whoever it may be , thought rostov , driving the spurs into rook , and outstripping the rest , he let him go at full gallop 羅斯托夫一面想道,一面用馬刺刺著“白嘴鴉” ,要趕上其他人員,便讓它襲步奔馳起來。

What alisa needs is only victory , and the exclamation mark is a tribute to her courage and desire to continue fighting without the rook 艾歷莎想要的只是勝利,感嘆號是對她棄車也要繼續戰斗的勇氣的贊譽。

Quicker ! rang out the word of command , and rostov felt the drooping of rooks hindquarters as he broke into a gallop 發出了口令,羅斯托夫覺察到,他的“白嘴鴉”尥了一下馬蹶子,疾馳起來了。

The rooks cawed , and blither birds sang ; but nothing was so merry or so musical as my own rejoicing heart 白嘴鴉呱呱叫著,還有更活潑一點的鳥兒在啁鳴,但是我心兒的歡唱比誰都美妙動聽。