
roof n.1.屋頂,房屋;家屋。2.(放行李的)車頂;笠形罩。...

roof garden

Each upstairs room opened on a balcony shaded by an overhanging roof . 樓上的每個房間都有飛檐遮陰的陽臺。

The gray wind of december is sweeping down the overhung of the roof . 十二月的陰沉沉的風順著房頂吹下來。

The roof fell down . 房頂崩坍了。

Many of the roofs were so full of holes that they looked like gratings . 許多屋頂千穿百孔,象篩子一樣。

It was very handsomely built of red brick with a lead roof . 它是用紅磚建成的,非常漂亮,屋頂鋪著鉛板。

One wall of the temple hospital crumbled, the roof caved in . 這個小廟醫院的一堵墻倒塌了,屋頂陷下了。

The qinghai-xizang plateau has long been known as the roof of the world . 青藏高原素有世界屋脊之稱。

Mccarthy hit the roof . 麥卡錫勃然大怒。

He stopped, and stared at the roof and round at the walls . 他站住了,呆看著屋頂和周圍的墻壁。

The flying-off platform was to be provided on the roof of the hangar . 機庫的頂篷是飛行甲板。

I am sandwiched in between the roof of joe's mouth and his brain . 我被夾在喬的上鄂和腦中間。

They had a roof over their heads but not much besides . 他們除了住房,此外就沒有什么財產。

The slope of the roof is low . 屋頂的斜度很低。

The roof is ready to be tiled . 屋頂可以瓦瓦了。

Four generations live under one roof . 四世同堂。

The pillars sustain the roof . 幾根柱子撐住屋頂。

The roof was beginning to fall in . 屋頂搖搖欲墜。

The roof of the tunnel fell in . 隧道頂部塌了下來。

Kunta's tongue seemed cleaved to the roof of his mouth . 昆塔的舌頭好象粘在上腭了。