
rood n.1.【宗教】十字架上的基督像;〔the rood〕〔...

rood arch

Not to inherit by right of primogeniture , gavelkind or borough english , or possess in perpetuity an extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres , roods and perches , statute land measure valuation 42 , of grazing turbary surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor , on the other hand , a terracehouse or semidetached villa , described as rus in urbe or qui si sana , but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped 2 storey dwellinghouse of southerly aspect , surmounted by vane and lightning conductor , connected with the earth , with porch covered by parasitic plants ivy or virginia creeper , halldoor , olive green , with smart carriage finish and neat doorbrasses , stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable , rising , if possible , upon a gentle eminence with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground , at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset hornbeam hedge of topiary cutting , situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis , within a time limit of not more than 5 minutes from tram or train line e . g . , 他并不想根據長子繼承制男子平分繼承制或末子繼承制237 ,把那幢有著門房和馬車道的男爵宅邪及其周圍那一大片遼闊的英畝路得和平方桿238法定土地面積單位,估價為四十二英鎊239的泥炭質牧場地,或者那座被描述為“都會中的田園240 ”或“健康莊242 ”的有陽臺的房子或一側與鄰屋相接的別墅,繼承下來并永久占有。他只巴望根據私人合同購買一所繼承人身分不受限制的不動產:要坐北朝南的一座草屋頂有涼臺的雙層住宅,房頂上裝起風向標以及與地面相接的避雷針,門廊上要爬滿寄生植物常春藤或五葉地錦,橄欖綠色的正門最后一道工序漆得漂漂亮亮,賽得過馬車。門上有著精巧的黃銅裝飾。

The hsinchu science - based industrial park administration has been improving outside transportation links with the construction of an overpass over kuangfu road connecting to gpngdao fifth road in the north rood connecting hsip second road to the sun yat - sen freeway ; and a connecting route joining hsip first road and gpngdao fifth road in the north . these three newly completed roads have greatly improved traffic conditions at the hsip . a real - time traffic monitoring system was installed at the park in 2001 在改善園區交通品質方面,新竹科學園區管理局增設區內停車位,以解決區內停車問題至于聯外交通,園區北接公道五跨越光復路陸橋工程已于89年完成,中山高園區二路專用道工程于90年元月完工,園區一路北接公道五30米聯絡道路于90年10月通車,此三項新辟道路工程,對園區交通紓解助益甚大,園區新設之路況即時監測系統亦已于90年11月完工啟用。

And he conjured them by him who died on rood that they should well and truly try and true delivrance make in the issue joined between their sovereign lord the king and the prisoner at the bar and true verdict give according to the evidence so help them god and kiss the books 他以死在十字架上的上主之名,懇求他們說,要慎重而真實地進行審議,在至高無上的君主國王陛下與站在法庭上的囚犯之間的訴訟中,做公允的評決,憑著證據,做出正確的判決。他祈求上主庇佑他們,并請他們吻圣經。

Ras introduces captain robert rood , usaf ras : for over 30 years we ve been broadcasting to the arms network stations and tonight there s servicemen and servicewomen all around the world who are listening to this broadcast . and they re in the camps in afghanistan or on the ships in the gulf , they can hear us 我們向軍人電臺播放節目超過30年,今晚全球各地軍人都會收聽,阿富汗軍營波斯灣的軍艦都聽得到我們的節目,今晚我們特別邀請美國空軍的陸魯弼上尉誦讀以下經文,請陸魯弼上尉。

Traditional food quality arid rood safety are defined as not changing color , the same ignorance , not external deformation characteristics of the merchandise ; and the new food quality content includes food production , processing , distribution and marketing of a number of sectors 摘要傳統的食品質量和食品安全被定義為不變色、不變昧、不變形等外在的商品特征;而新的食品質量的內涵包含了食品生產、加工、流通、銷售等若干環節。

Add : no . 2 daxue rood , qingdao266003 , shandong province , china distance from airport : 25km , from railway station : 2km , from city center : 1km ; surrounding landscape : catholic church , navy museum , zhongshan road business street , zhan bridge , small island . corner single room 另外,還設有前廳接待前廳收銀房務中心商務中心禮賓服務客房服務精品屋康樂中心桑拿游泳池健身房保球ktv房網球場美容美發中西餐飲。

Aim at the shortcomings of traditional equation squared rood method of current , improved methods are presented . this papers presents the treatment of small ( or multiple ) power sources in distribution network and the loss calculation of transformer winding resistance 本文首先分析了目前國內外配電網線損計算的現狀和發展趨勢,并結合配電網結構和用電特點,建立了配電網元件線損計算的數學模型。

The epicentre appears to have been that part of the metropolis which constitutes the inn s quay ward and parish of saint michan covering a surface of fortyone acres , two roods and one square pole or perch 震中好像在首都的客棧碼頭區至圣麥昌教區一帶,面積達四十一英畝二路德一平方桿或波爾赤639 。

Rood : the main road in the park is 50 kilometers in length and it forms a convenient transportation network combined with the south ring road of langfang and the suburb high way 道路:園區主干道共長50公里,攜以廊坊市南環和城區快速路,形成便捷完善的交通網絡。

George rood , conscious that he need not exhibit a brilliancy which was almost a byword , opened his mouth only to put food into it 喬治?婁德知道他的妙語驚人已經盡人皆知,用不著再施展才華,因此每次張口只不過是往嘴里添送菜肴。

Desire s wind blasts the thorntree but after it becomes from a bramblebush to be a rose upon the rood of time 情欲之風摧殘荊棘叢,隨后荊棘叢在時間之小園中萌芽,綻開玫瑰。

Dream of the rood 十字架之夢

On construction equipment of asphalt rood surface of high - degree way 高等級公路瀝青路面面層施工設備選用要點

You mustn ' t play on the rood 你千萬不要在馬路上玩。

No . 395 west rood of south erhuan road , xi an city , shann xi province xian 西安市南二環路西段395號西安

Orchestral satan , weeping many a rood 管弦樂隊的魔鬼痛哭,

1 traffic has been a lot smoother since the rood was broadened 自從道路擴寬之后,交通順暢了許多。

Investment assessment of investing roods and bridges project 橋梁出讓項目的投資評價模型

Not a rood remained to him . 沒有寸土留給他。