
rontgen n.=Roentgen.


Rontgen could not see anything coming out of the tube , but then he discovered that if he put the screen in the next room on the other side of a closed door , the rays still seemed to affect it 倫琴沒有看到試管里有東西,但是以后他發現如果他在隔壁房間另一個關閉的門上放一個屏風,這些射線仍然能夠影響它。

Biomechanical changes of the prostheses for the surface hemi - arthroplasty of the hip in the treatment of femoral head avascularnecrosis by using computer - assisted einzel - bild - rontgen - analyse - femoral component analysis 法分析半髖表面置換治療股骨頭缺血性壞死假體生物力學變化

One day rontgen noticed that , even when the tube was covered with black paper , some strange kind of radiation was coming through and making a screen nearby glow 一天倫琴注意到即使試管蓋上了黑紙,還有些不清楚的輻射穿透過去并發光。

1845 wilhelm von rontgen , german physicist who discovered x - rays and nobel prize winner . was born at lennep in prussia 發現x射線的德國物理學家、諾貝爾獎獲得者威廉?馮?倫琴出生于普魯士的倫內普。

X - rays were first discovered by a german scientist , wilhelm konrad rontgen , in 1895 , almost by accident 光首先是被德國科學家倫琴于1895年差不多是偶然發現的。

1895 at wurzburg , wilhelm rontgen discovered x - rays ( rontgen rays ) 德國物理學家威廉?倫琴在維爾茨堡發現x射線(即倫琴射線) 。

When rontgen put his hand before x - ray , he saw the bones of his hands only 倫琴把手放在x射線前面時,只見到手上的骨頭。

The apparatus with which rontgen made his sensational discovery was the result of a prolonged development in the field of electricity . 倫琴用來做出驚人發現的儀器是電學領域長期發展的成果。