
ronnie n.1.羅尼〔男子名,Ronald 的昵稱〕。2.羅妮〔...


One morning , however , ronnie woke up smiling 然而,有一天早上,羅尼卻滿面笑容地醒了。

And this here is the story of ronnie dobbs 在這里發生了ronnie dobbs的故事

- let ' s go , ronnie . - gimme your other fucking hand -我們走, ronnie . -把你他媽的手給我

Ronnie returned to his hometown a hero Ronnie作為一名英雄回到了他的家鄉

Let ' s go , ronnie . - gimme your other fucking hand 我們走, ronnie . -把你他媽的手給我

A drunken ronnie remained in the water for six hours 喝醉的ronnie在水中堅持了六個小時

How ' s about dr . ronnie takes this here hard - on 比方說ronnie醫生讓這里勃起

Come on , you ' re gonna fold , ronnie . just get it over with 你會輸的,羅尼,快點決定吧

Take a look around , ronnie . it ' s all yours 看看周圍吧, ronnie .全都是你的

But ronnie was looking for a long shot , he was dope sick 但ronnie長期需要的,他瘋了

Well . there you have it - the ronnie dobbs story 好,你已經知道了- ronnie dobbs的故事

You know , ronnie , you and i are a lot alike 你知道么, ronnie ,你和我有很多相似得地方

' cause , like , these are worth a lot of money , ronnie 我喜歡,這可值一大筆錢, ronnie

Well , wake up , ronnie , ' cause it ' s all too real 醒醒吧, ronnie ,因為這一切都太真實了

All tonight on ronnie dobbs gets rescued 盡在今晚的ronnie dobbs大救援節目

Yep . ronnie was hitting new lows left and right 是的. ronnie受到了嚴重的打擊情緒低落

Uncle ronnie , you broke my special shoes Ronnie叔叔,你弄壞了我的特制鞋子

Governor , please , ronnie ' s a celebrity now 州長,求你了ronnie現在是名人了

Well , ronnie , you ' ve bedded your dream girl 好了, ronnie ,你已經和你夢中女孩上了床