
rondo n.(pl. rondos) 〔意大利語〕【音樂】回旋曲...


Against a boston team playing its fourth west coast game in five nights and without injured point guard rajon rondo , the lakers trailed by 17 points in the first half and as many as 25 in the fourth quarter 凱爾特人在最近的五個晚上和四支西部球隊交手過,而且他們的得分后衛拉簡朗多還因傷缺陣,但湖人在上半場就落后了17分,到第四節更是落后到25分之多。

Ronald koeman carried out a training that included muscular warm - up , rondo , speed exercises and a technical work to prepare the match 羅納德.科曼進行了包括肌肉熱身,回旋,速度的訓練以及戰術準備。

The other young players on the “ most coveted “ list were delonte west , tony allen , and rajon rondo 這張最令人垂涎的名單上其他球員是:德龍蒂-韋斯特,托尼-阿倫,拉簡-朗多。

Rondo sonata form 回旋奏鳴曲式

Pavana and rondo carlos surinach 帕凡與回旋曲

First round : the works assigned 1 pavana and rondo carlos surinach 初賽:初賽規定曲目: 1帕凡與回旋曲卡洛斯

Why acquire tony parker when you have rajon rondo 既然有拉簡?朗多為什么我們還要托尼?帕克?

Carmen fantasy introduction and rondo capriccioso poeme 卡門幻想曲金裝版