
ronald n.羅納德〔男子名,Reginald 的異體〕。


Lily married ronald last week , a case of love at first sight 莉莉上星期與羅納德結婚,一宗一見鐘情的事例。

Killed were car dealer ronald defeo , his wife and four of their children 被殺死的是汽車銷售商羅納德?笛福

Dr ronald lam smo , icb 林文健醫生高級醫生,感染控制處

Ronald arculli wept and was made a hero of the people ; the hon 英雄而悲哀,而我只像是一個沒有政治智慧的

But as ronald reagan has said , “ our motto is trust , but verify . 所說, “我們的信條是信任,但核實。 ”

Membership hon ronald arculli , jp chairman 夏佳理議員主席

Suffolk county police have charged 23 - year - old ronald defeo jr 薩福克縣警署指控23歲的小羅納德?笛福

5 : 30pm speech by hon . ronald arculli , chairman of hk jockey club 5 : 30pm香港賽馬會主席夏佳理先生致詞

Between principles and policies : ronald dworkin and constructing an ideal jurist 和理想法律人的建構

Dubbing by : andy hui , alex fong , tat - ming cheung , and ronald cheng 配音:許志安,方力申,張達明,鄭中基

Mr ronald j . arculli , jp managing partner 夏佳理先生,太平紳士

To be presented by mr ronald arculli who will address the council 由夏佳理議員提交,并向本局發言

International honours for prof . ronald so 蘇銘祖教授獲國際殊榮

23 - year - old ronald “ butch “ defeo jr 23歲的“猛男”小羅納德笛福

It ' s on his suitcase , ronald . - oh 他手提箱上寫著名字,羅納德噢

- ronald sumner ? - i am . i am a freak . look at me -是羅納德?薩姆納嗎? -是的,我是個瘋子,看著我

- it ' s on his suitcase , ronald . - oh 他手提箱上寫著名字,羅納德噢

Ronald sumner ? - i am . i am a freak . look at me 是羅納德?薩姆納嗎? -是的,我是個瘋子,看著我

- ronald has lost his rat . - i haven ' t lost anything -羅納德把他的老鼠弄丟了-我什么也沒丟!