
romulus n.【古羅馬傳說】古羅馬的建國者 〔Mars 的兒子,古...


The retreat of rocca bianca was at the top of a small mountain , which no doubt in former days had been a volcano - an extinct volcano before the days when remus and romulus had deserted alba to come and found the city of rome 比卡山凹是在一座小山的山頂上,在從前這兒無疑的是一座火山,一座在雷默斯和羅默羅斯逃出阿爾伯,來建筑起羅馬城以前就熄滅了的火山。

Built in 753 bc , the city ' s roots go back to the legend of twin brothers romulus and remus , who were raised by a she - wolf instead of a human mother 羅馬始建于公元前753年,最早要追溯到雙胞胎兄弟羅莫路和勒莫的傳奇故事,他們不是由母親撫養長大,而是由一只母狼喂養。

The house of romulus shall dread the boar ' s savagery , and the end of the boar will be shrouded in mystery 羅穆盧斯(戰神瑪爾斯之子)的房子會畏懼野豬的野性,野豬生命終結時會用裹尸布神秘地遮蔽著。

It is made up of the olympic rings above a roman she - wolf , from which remus and romulus are suckling 羅馬城的象征為一只母狼哺乳兩個嬰兒的青銅像。

Romulus is right Romulus是正確答案

Clears throat romulus augustulus 霉?隔吹而吹常

Take us to romulus , warp eight 駛向羅謬勒斯,速度八級

Romulus won the battle and the city became known as rome 最后羅莫路打贏了戰爭,城市也由此更名為羅馬。

The enterprise has arrived at romulus 企業號已經抵達羅謬勒斯

You ' re not romulus sucking on the teats of the mother wolf 你不是羅穆盧斯要吸母狼的奶頭

As happens frequently here on romulus 正如羅謬勒斯經常出現的那種情況

As happens frequently here on romulus . . 正如羅謬勒斯經常出現的那種情況. .

The military does not dictate policy on romulus 羅謬勒斯不是以武力指導一切

Then the shepherds heard from the summit of the opposite hill the deep toned voice of romulus crying . 這時牧羊人聽到對面山頂上傳來了羅穆盧斯低沉的喊聲。

Romulus began at once to lay off the bounds of his little town . 羅穆盧斯立即開始規劃他的小鎮的邊界。

All night long romulus sat alone on the summit of the palatine . 羅穆盧斯通夜獨自坐在帕拉太恩山頂上。