
romper n.1.嬉戲的人,頑皮不羈的女孩。2.〔pl.〕(小孩穿...


I used to , like , take half of the school and do break - dancing skits with my friend in front of them at lunchtime . “ but his troubles concentrating in school didn t stifle his acting dreams . leo s acting debut was on the television show romper room , at age five 5歲時他就參加了電視劇romper room的拍攝, 12歲時在歷經了50次面試后,不懈的努力終于有了回報,他得到了第1份職業演員的工作,一部短短的小汽車廣告。

Sharon stone spotted him in the role of a neo - nazi skinhead in romper stomper ( 1993 ) and recommended him for the quick and the dead 莎朗?斯通在他出演《無法無天》 ( 1993 )中一個理著平頭的新納粹分子時發現了他,并推薦其出演《致命快感》 。

Baby sleeveless rompers 嬰兒外出服

Tc baby sleeveless rompers 嬰兒學步帶

Enough with the romper room , man ! bring out the fresh prince 馬戲表演夠了,拜托!叫活力王子出來吧