
romp n.1.亂蹦亂鬧;頑皮嬉鬧,頑皮嬉鬧的孩子〔尤指女孩〕;...


But the impressiveness of the situation quickly wore off , and the romping began again . the moment a candle was lighted there was a general rush upon the owner of it ; a struggle and a gallant defence followed , but the candle was soon knocked down or blown out , and then there was a glad clamor of laughter and a new chase 很快大家忘卻這里的美景,又嘻鬧起來,蠟燭一點亮,有些人撲上去就搶走,隨后就是一陣英勇的你爭我奪的自衛反擊戰,要不了多久蠟燭要么被打翻,要么就被吹滅,接著大家發出一陣哄笑,又開始新的追逐。

I see a child romping about on the grass plot , another child making daisy chains , their mother holding a piece of sandwich , the uncle of the family biting a juicy , red apple , the father sprawling on the ground looking at the sailing clouds , and the grandfather holding a pipe in his mouth 我看見一個孩子在草地上跳躍著,另一個孩子用雛菊在編造一只小花圈,他們的母親手中拿著一塊夾肉面包,叔父在咬一只多汁的紅蘋果,父親仰臥在地上眺望著天上的浮云,祖父口中含著煙斗。

I know that had i been a sanguine , brilliant , careless , exacting , handsome , romping child - though equally dependent and friendless - mrs . reed would have endured my presence more complacently ; her children would have entertained for me more of the cordiality of fellow - feeling ; the servants would have been less prone to make me the scapegoat of the nursery 我明白,如果我是一個聰明開朗漂亮頑皮不好侍候的孩子,即使同樣是寄人籬下,同樣是無親無故,里德太太也會對我的處境更加寬容忍讓她的孩子們也會對我親切熱情些傭人們也不會一再把我當作保育室的替罪羊了。

A michael owen hat - trick in munich brought back memories of hurst ' s glorious treble of 1966 and , along with goals from emile heskey and steven gerrard , the three lions romped to a 5 - 1 victory and set them on their way to qualifying for the 2002 world cup 邁克爾歐文在慕尼黑的帽子戲法讓人們回憶起1966年的赫斯特,加上赫斯基以及杰拉德的進球,三獅軍團奇跡般的5 - 1大勝,并取得了2002年世界杯的入場券。

Michael owen hat - trick in munich brought back memories of hurst ' s glorious treble of 1966 and , along with goals from emile heskey and steven gerrard , the three lions romped to a 5 - 1 victory and set them on their way to qualifying for the 2002 world cup 邁克爾歐文在慕尼黑的帽子戲法讓人們回憶起1966年的赫斯特,加上赫斯基以及杰拉德的進球,三獅軍團奇跡般的5 - 1大勝,并取得了2002年世界杯的入場券。

Social realism , bourgeois entertainment , tear - jerking sentimentalism , satiric parodies , atmospheric spectacles , energetic romps . . . the cinematic wonders that precipitated from his many and varied talents are coalescences of his time and place 不論社會寫實、家庭倫理、浪漫愛情、緊張懸疑、虛幻迷離、嬉笑怒罵、刺激武打、瘋狂癲喪… …他的多才多藝,沉淀了一個社會、一個時代的努力與成敗。

One of the first movies to deal with the plight of chinese youth escaping to the then - british colony , the film throws realism out the window for a titillating romp in which beautiful girls are used and abused in the best tradition of erotic exploitation cinema 其中有一場為防人蛇偷走,將三十多名男女的衣服全部脫光,困在小屋中,令人瞠目結舌又有蛇頭強奸虐待女偷渡客,慘無人道。

Then his left hamstring finished the story 2 1 / 3 innings before he could , leaving the yankees on the winning side of a 10 - 1 romp against the rangers but feeling like the real losers at rangers ballpark in arlington 然而休斯球賽只剩下2又1 ? 3的時候因為拉傷離開球賽,讓洋基面對游騎兵以十比一贏得比賽,但是感覺上卻像真正輸掉了球賽。

I waited for you patiently , comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments , never chided you about bad decisions , and romped with glee at your homecomings , and when you fell in love 我在一旁耐心地等待著你、安撫你的心碎以及失望,我從不抱怨你任何糟糕的決定,更會在任何時候當你回家時,興奮地跳鬧著迎接你,那時你墜入了愛河。

Bursting with hilarious hijinks , glorious girl - power and true - blue friendship , sleepover is a high - spirited , high - stakes romp that s “ topped with sprinklings of cinderella enchantment “ the seattle times 難得放肆,四人造型潮爆在大廳勁歌熱舞,在狂跳狂吃之際突然收到“風頭躉”少女組的尋寶挑戰。

With beaded mitre and with crozier , stalled upon his throne , widower of a widowed see , with upstiffed omophorion , with clotted hinderparts . airs romped around him , nipping and eager airs 戴著鑲有珠子的主教冠,手執牧杖27 ,紋絲不動地跨在他的寶座上;他成了鰥夫,主教的職位也守了寡28 。

United ' s four - goal romp against chris hutchings ' side was their most emphatic victory of the season , and the reds served up plenty of the attacking football that has become their hallmark 曼聯在哈欽斯的球隊身上取得4個進球,這是他們本賽季目前最大的勝仗。曼聯打出了賴以成名的攻勢足球。

Text 33 - - para . 2 while we fret about the decreasing cogency of public debate , computers dismiss linear argument and promote fast , shallow romps across the information landscape 當我們為公共討論的說服力的下降而煩惱時,電腦拋棄了有條理的論證而促進了信息領域的快速的淺顯的信息表達。

With a title like this , you were maybe expecting a travelogue about trout fishermen in wisconsin ? no , this censor - baiting romp was shot on location in . . 導演呂奇的綽頭之作,帶領國片觀眾進入歐洲性解放之地丹麥哥本哈根,性都的風情和景色,第一次初現銀幕。

No , this censor - baiting romp was shot on location in copenhagen and expanded the boundaries of just how much could be shown on the asian screen 導演呂奇的綽頭之作,帶領國片觀眾進入歐洲性解放之地丹麥哥本哈根,性都的風情和景色,第一次初現銀幕。

Ronaldo ' s every touch prompted a chorus of jeers from the home supporters , but he responded with two fine goals as united romped to a 4 - 1 win 他的每一次觸球都引來主場球迷的一陣噓聲,但是他以兩粒精彩的入球幫助球隊4比1大勝作為回應。

Now , i enjoy a scene of little children in the twilight chasing and romping around on a neat and smooth lawn like a super - size carpet 黃昏時看孩子們在草場上追逐、翻滾,草,平整,像是一大張毛毯,包容著活潑的軀體。

Tim howard made several key saves and kept a clean sheet as everton romped to a 3 - 0 win over liverpool in the 204th merseyside derby 在第204次默西賽德郡德比中,霍華德有幾次關鍵的撲救,確保了埃弗頓3 : 0完勝利物浦。

The reds romped to a 3 - 0 victory over harry redknapp ' s side after going ahead inside of three minutes through a louis saha penalty 薩哈開場3分鐘就用點球幫助球隊領先,曼聯3 - 0輕松戰勝了老雷德克納普的樸次茅斯。