
romney n.羅姆尼〔姓氏〕。


The republican race is now wide open , with at least four contenders : mr mccain , mr huckabee , mr romney and rudy giuliani , a former mayor of new york 共和黨內的競爭現在已經明朗化,至少4名競爭者都擺上了臺面:麥凱恩先生,赫卡比先生,羅姆尼先生和紐約前市長魯迪?朱利安尼。

Mr romney then won wyoming two days later , but since the other candidates barely contested that state , his victory generated little buzz 羅姆尼先生兩天之后在懷俄明州獲勝,但既然其他候選人幾乎沒有在該州競爭,因此他的勝利產生了一點小轟動。

Republican presidential contender mike huckabee came in a surprisingly close second to mitt romney in the iowa straw poll on saturday 共和黨總統競選人麥克?赫克比在周六愛荷華州民意測驗中令人吃驚的以微弱劣勢暫居第二,排在米特?羅姆尼之后。

Mr romney then won wyoming two days later , but since the other candidates barely contested that state , his victory generated little buzz 兩天后,羅姆尼先生拿下懷俄明州,但由于幾乎沒有其他候選人與其爭奪,所以他的勝利并沒有引起太多關注。

Mr romney launched his first television spot attacking mr huckabee in iowa this week , accusing him of being soft on illegal immigration 羅姆尼先生本周在愛荷華進行的第一次電視辯論中抨擊了哈克比先生,對他在非法移民問題上的軟弱進行指責。

Mccain , who had hoped to nail down the nomination with a big night , won seven states while rival mike huckabee won five and mitt romney took five 希望可以一夜定勝負的麥凱恩贏得了7個州,他的對手麥克?哈克比和米特?羅姆尼各贏得了5個州。

“ i ' ll make sure we create more good jobs for this nation and one way to do that is by holding down taxes , and making those tax cuts permanent , “ said romney 羅姆尼說,他作為前州長和企業主管的經驗有助于他明白增加全國就業機會的途徑。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 在馬薩諸塞州,米特?雷蒙尼州長已被提議為他所在的州的每一位中高年級學生購買一臺這種廉價電腦。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 在馬薩諸塞州,州長米特?雷蒙尼建議買一些低價格的電腦給他所在州的每個初中生和高中生。

Unlike some of his rivals ( mr giuliani embraced the plan ; mr romney fudged ) , mr mccain told mr crist to get stuffed 和他的一些對手不同(朱利安尼先生贊同這個計劃;羅姆尼先生不置可否) ,麥凱恩先生告訴克里斯特先生閉嘴。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 在馬薩諸塞州,州長米特?雷蒙尼已經提議將為周內的每個中學生買一臺這種低價位計算機。

Many conservatives still loathe mrmccain , and mr romney at least currently pretends to believe most of thecornerstone conservative dogmas 許多保守派仍然厭惡麥凱恩,而羅姆尼至少目前看來信仰大多數保守學說的根本理念。

Rudy giuliani is well ahead of him in national polls , and mitt romney is trouncing him in iowa and new hampshire 在全國的民意調查中,魯迪朱利安尼遙遙領先于他,而就算在愛荷華以及漢普郡兩州,他也未能敵過米特羅慕尼。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 馬薩諸塞州州長米特?雷蒙尼已經建議州內每個中學生購買這一廉價電腦。

Mr romney has two selling points , both of which he stressed at the launch of his campaign in michigan on february 13th 羅姆尼身兼兩大賣點,這兩點他在2月13日在密歇根正式宣布參加總統競選時都曾強調過。

The most disappointed republican this week is mr romney , a former governor of massachusetts and squillionaire businessman 本周最失望的共和黨人是羅姆尼先生,麻薩諸塞州的前州長,一位億萬身家的商人。

Other famous representatives of english painting are sir joshua reynolds , thomas gainsborough , raeburn , romney and lawrence , etc 利,深受古典主義影響。 1752年他回到英國后即成為英國最負盛

The most disappointed republican this week is mr romney , a former governor of massachusetts and squillionaire businessman 本周最失落的共和黨人是羅姆尼先生,一位前馬塞諸塞州州長和億萬富翁。

During that same time , i received call after call from the republican party about huckabee , mccain , and romney 與此同時,我還接到了共和黨的拉票電話,支持對象包括哈克比、麥凱恩和羅姆尼。