
romeo n.羅密歐〔莎士比亞戲劇《羅密歐與朱麗葉》中的男主人翁〕...


Go get some feeling - feeling ? i should find a romeo -去找找感覺-找感覺?我應該去找個羅密歐

So what , romeo gets to skate , huh 怎么了?我們的羅密歐逃走了?

Romeo : not having that , which , having , makes them short 羅:因為我缺少了可以使時間變短的東西。

Romeo : would you take it away ? for what purpose , love 羅密歐你要把它收回去嗎?為什么呢,愛人?

- go get some feeling - feeling ? i should find a romeo -去找找感覺-找感覺?我應該去找個羅密歐

Iike romeo and juliet , arm in arm 就象羅密歐和朱麗葉,手挽著手

Here ' s romeo ' s man ; we found him in the churchyard 這是羅密歐的仆人;我們看見他躲在墓地里。

Who bare my letter , then , to romeo 那么誰把我的信送去給羅密歐了?

Romeo s watches jewelry mcduck s department store 羅密歐鐘表珠寶店

Romeo fell for juliet at the first glance 羅密歐對朱麗葉一見鐘情。

“ oh , romeo ! giveup your name and take me in stead ! “喔!羅密歐,放棄你的名子,而以我來代替吧!

Well , you needed it . - come on . romeo . get outta there 你需要嘛-快點,羅米歐,快離開那里

- well , you needed it . - come on . romeo . get outta there -你需要嘛-快點,羅米歐,快離開那里

Romeo : she speaks . speak again . bright angel 她說話了。說下去,天使。

Tchaikovsky symphony no 5 . 6 romeo and juliet nypo 羅密歐與朱麗葉序曲

Who is the author of romeo and juliet 誰是《羅密歐與朱麗葉》的作者?

I ' m going to read a passage from romeo and juliet 下面給大家朗讀羅密歐與朱麗葉中的一段。

Night , please come quickly ! romeo , come 夜晚,快來臨吧!羅密歐,來吧

Romeo out of her favour , where i am in love 羅密歐她的歡心之外,是我一相情愿,陷入愛河。