
rome n.1.羅馬〔意大利首都〕。2.古羅馬城;羅馬城邦;古羅...


About the negative responses of the rome officials he was coarsely scornful . 他對羅馬的官員那種消極的反應表示露骨的藐視。

They had wrested the command of the eastern seas from the control of rome . 他們從羅馬人的控制下奪取了東方海面的支配權。

Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient rome . 許多被征服的國家必須向古羅馬的統治者朝貢。

He had subdued italy and had been crowned in the imperial city of rome . 他征服過意大利,曾在羅馬帝國首都加過冕。

Wilson first made triumphal tours of paris, london, and rome . 開始,威爾遜到巴黎、倫敦和羅馬洋洋得意地游歷一番。

The sages of greece and rome turned aside from the awful spectacle . 希臘和羅馬的賢哲卻絕不顧及這種可怖的奇觀。

According to the old tradition , romulus was the founder of rome . 按照古老的傳說,羅穆盧斯是古羅馬的建國者。

The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient rome . 那部書對古羅馬人的日常生活描寫得很生動。

Rich men came down from wealthy rome to build sea-side villas . 有錢人從富有的羅馬來到這兒建造海濱別墅。

Rome is still aggressive in modern literature and criticism . 羅馬在近代文學和評論中依然是富有侵略性的。

The toilet was now arranged according to the last mode of rome . 這些打扮是按照羅馬最時髦的款式安排的。

On this same day, the first peace overtures from rome were made . 就在同一天,羅馬第一次提出媾和倡議。

Soon carthage must destroy rome or be destroyed by her . 不久,迦太基一定要消滅羅馬,或者被羅馬消滅。

Do in rome as rome does . 入鄉隨俗。

The road goes to rome . 這條路通羅馬。

Sometimes papal rome was a den of corruption and uncleanness . 有時教皇的羅馬城是腐敗骯臟的魔窟。

They had agreed to see the carnival at rome that year . 他們是約定來參觀那一年羅馬的狂歡節的。

He's offered to stop off in rome and siena first . 他曾主動表示可以先在羅馬或錫耶納停留一下。

He was flown out in a tiny stork spotter plane to rome . 他乘著一架怪鳥式小型偵察機飛抵羅馬。