
romanticize vt.,vi.(使)浪漫化;(使)幻想化。


Although her encounters are miserable , yee does not try to romanticize her role in order to enhance the tear - jerking quality of the movie or make us sympathize with her , he rather reminds us to keep a rational mind by pointing out the illogicality of holly s behaviors through the lead male hale lau ching wan 例如張柏芝的遭遇雖然可憐但編導卻沒有因而把她的固執浪漫合理化讓我們加倍同情她而是以劉青云的旁觀者角色把觀眾抽離一點從客觀的角度點出她的非理性直接指出她的所為不切實際。

Although the antique value of the items was just above $ 1 million , prices soared at auction because of their links with a family romanticized as america ' s political royalty 盡管這些物品作為古董的價值僅為100多萬美元,但因為與肯尼迪家族之間的淵源,拍賣價格一路飆升。具有傳奇色彩的肯尼迪家族被稱為美國政治“皇室” 。

It does our breed a disservice to romanticize about the heroic yet lovable behavior of our home grown dogs while vilifying the “ paranoid , “ “ untouchable “ behavior of the german dogs 當我們輕視那些“幻想”和“不可及”的事物,當我們傳奇化我們家養的成年犬只的英勇行為和惹人喜愛的行為時,這對我們的狗是有害的。

Without romanticizing the machine , it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential for equipping today ' s citizens for the unprecedented tasks of the future 不必用浪漫主義的手法來形容計算機,我們就可以清楚地看出,它是獨一無二地改變著那種使今天的公民能擔當起未來空前任務的潛力。

No one would want an author to walk away from authentic evidence , to touch up or romanticize mary lincoln ' s portrait 誰也不會要求一位作家不顧確實可靠的證據,把瑪麗?林肯的形象加以美化或使之富有浪漫傳奇色彩。

You may be somewhat of a dreamer and romanticize emotions , yet your dreams may reflect truths when you are in tune to your higher awareness 多少會有些夢想家和浪漫主義的色彩,但是這些都影響了你的現實生活。

He never underestimated his adversaries and was careful not to romanticize teh achievements of his diplomatic endeavors 他從不低估他的敵手,并且注意不使他所做的外交努力所取得的成果傳奇化。

Of course , those romanticized adventures have nothing to do with what ' s being shot today 當然,那些浪漫冒險和今天要拍的場景相比算不了什么。

I was thinking , for me it ' s better i don ' t romanticize things as much anymore 我在想,對我來說,還是不要把事情想得太浪漫比較好

It ' s personal and romanticized , 是非常私人的和浪漫的,

For me it ' s better i don ' t romanticize things as much anymore 我還是不要把事情想得太浪漫比較好

I got a personalized , romanticized question to ask you , 我有個私人的,很浪漫的問題想問你,

You have a tendency to romanticize your life 你有把生活浪漫化的傾向。

A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times 現代神話現代被浪漫化或普遍流行的神話

No one would want an author to walk away from authentic evidence, to touch up or romanticize mary lincoln's portrait . 誰也不會要求一位作家不顧確實可靠的證據,把瑪麗林肯的形象加以美化或使之富有浪漫傳奇色彩。

Do not romanticize -- stick to the facts . 別夸夸其談了說實際的吧。