
romanticism n.1.傳奇小說體裁;虛構,空想;傳奇性;浪漫精神[傾向...


Western romanticism in literature and romanticism in new - vernacular literature of china 西方浪漫主義文學與中國新文學中的浪漫主義

From romanticism to realism - notes on image patterns in novels between ming and qing dynasties 試談明清之際章回小說形象模式的轉變

21st century urban neo - romanticism the intimate relationship between art and public 21世紀都會新浪漫主義藝術與公共空間親密關系

The chinese 20th century romanticism in the context of the modernistic literature 現代派文學背景中的20世紀中國浪漫主義思潮

The impact of japanese literature on zhang zi - ping ' s romanticism in the early stage 日本文學對張資平早期浪漫主義創作的影響

Deconstructing romance in romantic form - an analysis of romanticism in the contemporary urban novels 許地山小說的藝術風格

On philosophy and aesthetics foundation of romanticism culture of music in europe 論歐洲浪漫主義音樂文化的哲學美學基礎

Interpenetration of romanticism and symbolism - one of the first ten - year studies on new poetry 新詩的第一個十年研究之一

The final romanticism of the end of 20th century - xungen literature ' s romantic character 論尋根文學的浪漫主義精神特質

Accepting and changing : from realism and romanticism to revolutionary realism 論革命現實主義對現實主義與浪漫主義的改造

This phenomenon was severely criticized by humanism and romanticism 這種情形受到了人文主義、浪漫主義的激烈批評。

Harte and the romanticism ' s trend of aesthetics thought in hurricane movement 赫爾德與狂飚突進的浪漫主義美學思潮

In a way , i put all my romanticism into that one night . . 從某種意義上來說,我所有的浪漫都在一夜之間消耗光了. .

A comparison between the natural view of modernism and that of romanticism 現代主義自然觀與浪漫主義自然觀之比較

In a way , i put all my romanticism into that one night 從某種意義上來說,我所有的浪漫都在一夜之間消耗光了

The history of romanticism in china 浪漫主義的中國之旅

Has been out of fashion for years . romanticism didn ' t get us broke 多年不流行了浪漫主義沒讓我們破產

Romanticism , stupid or otherwise , 浪漫主義,或許愚蠢,或許

The lot of quot; new romanticism quot; in china 在中國的命運