
romantic adj.1.【文藝史】〔常 R-〕浪漫主義的 (opp....


In this autobiographical approach to his art berlios is a true romantic . 柏遼茲對他的藝術采取了自傳體的處理手法,在這點上,他是一個真正的浪漫主義者。

But who would ever have predicted that he would blossom into a romantic film comedian ? 然而他成長為一個富有浪漫色彩的電影喜劇演員,又有誰料到了呢?

In this autobiographical approach to his art berlioz is a true romantic . 柏遼茲對他的藝術采取了自傳體的處理手法,在這點上他是個真正的浪漫主義者。

Marked tranquillo and expressive is a songful tune filled with romantic longing . 這是一個充滿了羅曼蒂克渴求的如歌旋律,標記是“安靜的有表情的”。

He was despotic, and she liked freedom; he was worldly, and she, perhaps, romantic . 他專橫獨斷,她卻愛好自由;他耽于利欲,她卻也許有點羅曼蒂克。

I used to believe the romantic notion that an artist had to suffer. nonsense . 我曾確信一種浪漫的觀點,就是一個藝術家必定要經歷些挫折,這是瞎扯。

In bleak house, i have purposely dwelt upon the romantic side of familiar things . 在《荒涼山莊》中,我有意渲染日常生活中富有浪漫色彩的那一面。

He was not a physician but a surgeon, a more romantic and sounding occupation . 他不是內科醫師,而是外科醫師,外科這一行更有浪漫氣息,更神氣。

His whole nature was kindled into one intense and passionate effervescence of romantic passion . 他心靈中燃燒著一股強烈而熾熱的浪漫主義激情。

I am repelled by the “dampness,“ as he called it, and the swarming of romantic feelings . 我對他所謂的“沮喪”和諸多的浪漫主義情調抱有反感。

In romantic despair, he wrote a symphony telling the tale of his love . 在自作多情的絕望之中,他寫下了一部交響曲來記述他那一段戀愛故事。

It was a romantic interest in this attractive and unfortunate young man . 這實際上是對一個不幸的英俊少年所抱的帶有浪漫色彩的興趣。

Tonder was a dark romantic with a vision as wide as his experience . 托德是一個隱秘的浪漫派,他的想象力和它的生活經驗一樣的廣泛。

Her earnest wish was to see things as they were, and not to be romantic . 她真誠的希望就是實事求是地觀察事物,并且不想入非非。

The dominant genius of the “franks“ was feudal, military and romantic . “法蘭克人”,突出的天才具有封建、好斗和浪漫的色彩。

It was the only romantic attitude in his heavy mind and body . 他體格粗壯、腦袋也不太靈活,羅曼蒂克的想象也只能到此為止了。

I liked to walk up fifth avenue and pick out romantic women from the crowd . 我喜歡在五號路上Q,在人群中選挑風流的女人。

He has been grinding out cheap romantic stories at the rate of one a week . 他一直以每周一篇的速度生拼硬湊廉價的浪漫小說。

When he was pressed to the wall, his romantic streak surfaced . 當他被逼得走投無路時,他略帶浪漫色彩的氣質就會表現出來了。