
romanian adj.羅馬尼亞的。n.1.羅馬尼亞人。2.羅馬尼亞語。


The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對出生于一對羅馬尼亞夫婦的女孩生活了這么久,已經錯過了手術的最佳時機。

Compared with the previous version , added the start menu file of x - 431 romanian diagnostic program 與前一版本相比增加羅馬尼亞語的x431診斷程式相應開始菜單檔。

Romanian soldiers push a helicopter back into a hangar at the mihail kogalniceanu airbase 米哈伊?康斯坦蒂內斯庫空軍基地的羅馬尼亞士兵正把一架直升機推回機庫。

“ it ( piracy ) helped romanians improve their creative capacity in the it industry . “ basescu said 伯塞斯庫說:老翻軟件造就羅馬尼亞人有更大空間發展it業。

Language : romanian is the official language , although minority groups speak hungarian and german 語言:羅馬尼亞語為官方語言,少數民族講匈牙利語和德語。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對羅馬尼亞女童能在連體情況下存活如此之久已經非常令人不可思議。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對羅馬利亞籍父母和他們的女兒已經生活3年之久實屬很幸運。

Some senior romanian officials and politicians have lost their jobs and even their freedom 一些羅馬尼亞的高官政要被摘走了烏紗帽,甚至身陷囹圄。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對生在一個羅馬尼亞家庭的姐妹能活到現在已經算是命大了。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對羅馬尼亞女孩能夠活到現在已經是一個相當罕見的例子。

Their musical styles range from flamenco to brass band , romanian violin to indian folk 樂隊來自五湖四海包括馬其頓、羅馬尼亞、印度和西班牙。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 羅馬尼亞籍夫婦的這雙女兒一直頑強不屈,努力生活至今。

This event has built the stability foundation for romanian wine in chinese market . 這對羅馬尼亞葡萄酒在中國市場的推廣提供了堅實的基礎。 ”

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對羅馬尼亞父母已經克服困難與這對小女孩一起生活。

Portugal now attracts ukrainians , spain draws in romanians and moroccans 葡萄牙正吸引著烏克蘭人,西班牙正吸引的羅馬尼亞人和摩洛哥人。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對羅馬尼亞的姐妹能活那么長已經是非常罕見了。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 而這對羅馬尼亞女童能存活如此之久已是出人意料。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這兩個羅馬尼亞女孩活了這么久,真是一個奇跡。

The girls who were born to romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long 這對羅馬利亞籍父母一直戰勝厄運照顧著女兒們。