
romania n.羅馬尼亞〔歐洲〕。


My appointment to the presidency was in the lead up to romania s accession to the european union 本人獲任命為總統效力,正好為羅馬尼亞加入歐盟作引線。

At the start of this year romania and bulgaria became the eu ' s 26th and 27th members 今年年初,羅馬尼亞和比利時分別成為歐盟的第26和第27個成員國。

Represents software companies from russia and romania that provide software development services -提供單一企業內部專用軟體設計,以及套裝軟體開發

August 1st team , game in bucharest , romania , against romania national team 1975年八一隊在羅馬尼亞首都布加勒斯特和羅馬尼亞國家隊比賽的照片。

Romania . manufactures and distributes wedding gowns , evening dresses , women suits and apparel -生產與運營品牌lasaro ,服裝面向25歲以上女性。

The virus recently has been confirmed in birds in russia , romania and turkey 最近證實在俄羅斯、羅馬尼亞和土耳其的禽鳥中發現了禽流感病毒。

Climatological information for belarus , lithuania , moldova , romania and ukraine 立陶宛、白俄羅斯、烏克蘭、羅馬尼亞及摩爾多瓦各地氣候資料

That ' s how the family that haughtily enjoyed utmost privilege in romania saw its demise 原本在羅國不可一世享盡特權的家族,竟是如此下場。

August 1st team , game in bucharest , romania , against romania army team 1975年八一隊在羅馬尼亞首都布加勒斯特和羅馬尼亞陸軍隊比賽的照片。

Climatological information for belarus , lithuania , moldova , romania and ukraine 立陶宛白俄羅斯烏克蘭羅馬尼亞及摩爾多瓦各地氣候資料

Now , i am in romania , when i go back to shanghai , i contact with you , i want buy ne64 如果你確認購買,請提前聯系我們,現在暫時沒有現貨

The girls who were born to romania parents already beat the odds by leaving this long 這對羅馬尼亞姐妹能夠存活這么長的時間實屬不易。

In romania the political discipline that preceded accession has ended spectacularly 在羅馬尼亞,入盟前的政治改革也戲劇性的終止了。

L love romania 我愛羅馬尼亞

That is working ? particularly in romania ? but it is a slow slog elsewhere 這種方法很奏效-特別是在羅馬尼亞-但是在別的地方步履艱難。

Rol romania lei Rol羅馬尼亞雷

World war ii : hungary , romania and slovakia join the axis powers 1940年的今天,在二戰中,匈牙利、羅馬尼亞和斯洛伐克加入軸心國。

National day romania 羅馬尼亞國慶日

1947 king michael of romania abdicated in favor of a people ? s republic 羅馬尼亞國王米哈依爾退位,羅馬尼亞成為人民共和國。