
romanesque n.1.【建筑】羅馬式建筑;羅馬式繪畫[雕刻]。2.〔罕...


Not to consider here anything except the christian architecture of europe , that younger sister of the great masonries of the orient , it appears to the eyes as an immense formation divided into three well - defined zones , which are superposed , the one upon the other : the romanesque zone * , the gothic zone , the zone of the renaissance , which we would gladly call the greco - roman zone 這里只要考察一下歐洲基督教建筑藝術?東方偉大營造藝術的妹妹,那便一目了然,它像一個廣大的生成層,分成三個既分明又重疊的晶帶:羅曼帶,峨特帶,文藝復興帶? ?我們寧可稱之為希臘?羅馬帶。

Its continuous growth , linked to the sea ( the romans gave it the name portus , or port ) , can be seen in the many and varied monuments , from the cathedral with its romanesque choir , to the neoclassical stock exchange and the typically portuguese manueline - style church of santa clara 波爾圖的發展與海洋息息相關(羅馬人把它叫做伯特斯,即港口) ,城中眾多各式各樣的古跡都向我們說明了這一點,不管是帶有羅馬風格唱詩班席的大教堂,還是新古典主義的證券交易所,以及典型的葡萄牙紐曼爾式圣克拉拉教堂。

After this period , romanesque architecture with its intricate and ornate carved stonework influenced the shape of irish churches , the finest examples being cormac s chapel on the rock of cashel in county tipperary and clonfert cathedral in county galway 在這個時期之后,有著精致裝飾石刻工藝的羅馬式建筑影響了愛爾蘭教堂的形狀,其中最精美的例子當屬cormac的小教堂(位于tipperary郡的cashel巖上)和clonfert大教堂(在戈爾維郡) 。

The saxon architect completed the erection of the first pillars of the nave , when the pointed arch , which dates from the crusade , arrived and placed itself as a conqueror upon the large romanesque capitals which should support only round arches 當薩克遜建筑師快豎完中殿最初的大柱時,十字軍帶回來的尖拱式樣,已經以征服者的姿態盤踞在原來只用于支撐圓拱的那些羅曼式的寬大斗拱之上。

It was a city formed of two layers only ; the romanesque layer and the gothic layer ; for the roman layer had disappeared long before , with the exception of the hot baths of julian , where it still pierced through the thick crust of the middle ages 這是只由兩層構成的城市,即羅曼層和峨特層,因為羅馬層除了在朱利安的溫泉浴室穿過中世紀堅硬表皮還露出來以外,早已消失了。

These feature interlaced animal and geometric forms in bright primary colours . after the ninth century irish art absorbed viking , romanesque and gothic influences producing , for example , richly carved stone high crosses 9世紀以后愛爾蘭藝術吸收了斯堪的納維亞、羅馬式和歌特式風格的影響,產生了富麗堂皇的石刻,比如高高的十字架( high crosses ) 。

St michael ' s church was built between 1010 and 1020 on a symmetrical plan with two apses that was characteristic of ottonian romanesque art in old saxony 圣米迦勒教堂建造于公元1010年至1020年間,整個教堂嚴格遵循對稱的設計理念建造,有兩個對稱的半圓形后殿,這兩個后殿展示出了老撒克遜時期典型的奧圖羅馬式風格。

Unique architectural form of cityhouse applies italian style . its facade is bright and clear , simple but elegant . romanesque dome outlines fine lines and illustrates italian characteristic Cityhouse的獨特建筑形態,采用意大利建筑風格,外立面明凈素雅,羅馬式穹頂勾勒美麗的線條,彰顯意式情調。

The magnificent 12th - century cathedral at modena , the work of two great artists ( lanfranco and wiligelmus ) , is a supreme example of early romanesque art 位于摩德納的宏偉的12世紀大教堂,是蘭弗蘭科和威利蓋爾茨這兩位偉大的藝術家的杰作,是羅馬風格藝術的最杰出典范。

Romanesque _ vaulting _ desc ; romanesque churches sustained massive barrel vaults , requiring the reinforcement of the load - bearing walls in order to parry the lateral outward thrust 羅馬式教堂延續不變的厚重桶形穹頂,需要加強承重墻以躲避向外的側向推力。

On the green grass , the romanesque arch in a solid line and the set - up of the pink ceremonial table extended a seething crowds with a romantic air 芳草碧綠,弧形的羅馬式拱門一字排開、粉紅色禮儀臺的布景,浪漫情調盈盈涌動。

With its romanesque , gothic and baroque buildings , the old town of santiago is one of the world ' s most beautiful urban areas 圣地亞哥古城內有各式羅馬式建筑、哥特式建筑和巴洛克式建筑,堪稱世界上最美麗的城市之一。

Its beautiful romanesque churches are complemented by the outstanding renaissance and baroque buildings from the venetian period 精巧的羅馬式教堂又得到威尼斯時期出色的文藝復興式和巴洛克式建筑的補充。

The architectural melting pot is seen in the tall romanesque columns , the gothic hammervault roofing 建筑學上的融合見于高大的羅馬式圓柱和哥特式椽尾梁拱形頂上。

The aesthetic value is mainly about having the characteristic of romanesque style 教堂的藝術價值主要體現在國內為數不多的主體為具有羅馬風風格的建筑之一。