
romain 羅曼羅蘭〔1866-1944,法國小說家,音樂評論家,劇...


Geneva watchmaker romain jerome sa billed its “ titanic - dna “ collection as among the most exclusive pieces showcased this week at baselworld , the watch and jewellery industry ' s largest annual trade fair 日內瓦手表商romain jerome sa稱它為“泰坦尼克- dna ” ,是本周baselworld上最昂貴的展品之一。 baselworld是手表和珠寶界每年最大的交易盛事。

The c & ocirc ; te de beaune appellation is given to wines coming from the city of beaune but also from 16 villages around beaune such as auxey - duresses , chassagne - montrachet , ladoix , saint - romain and savigny les beaune 波恩山坡等級是授予來自波恩市的葡萄酒,包括圍繞波恩的16個酒莊,如奧西杜艾斯、莎沙里-蒙麗莎、拉杜瓦、圣羅文和莎云妮波恩。

Romain jerome said it purchased a piece of the hull weighing about 1 . 5 kg 3 pounds that was retrieved in 1991 , but declined to identify the seller 說他們購買的這片船體碎片重達1 . 5公斤,是1991年被打撈上來的,但是拒絕透露賣家的身份。

Romain jerome said it purchased a piece of the hull ( 7 ) weighing about 1 . 5 kg ( 3 pounds ) that was retrieved in 1991 , but declined to identify the seller 泰坦尼克號在從南安普敦去紐約的首航中撞上冰山、沉沒于北大西洋。