
romaic n.,adj.現代希臘語(的);有關現代希臘的。


The first three remained constantly in a small waiting - room , ready to obey the summons of a small golden bell , or to receive the orders of the romaic slave , who knew just enough french to be able to transmit her mistress s wishes to the three other waiting - women ; the latter had received most peremptory instructions from monte cristo to treat haid e with all the deference they would observe to a queen . the young girl herself generally passed her time in the chamber at the farther end of her apartments 那三個法國女人總是呆在一間小小的候見室里,只要聽到小金鈴一響,就立刻進去侍候,或是由那個希臘女奴從里面傳話出來,希臘女奴略懂一點法語,足以向另外三個侍女轉達她女主人的命令,基督山吩咐過那三個法國侍女,她們對待海黛必須極其恭謹尊敬,要象侍奉一位王后一樣。

The answer known , he had yielded to albert s wish to be introduced to haid e , and allowed the conversation to turn on the death of ali , and had not opposed haid e s recital but having , doubtless , warned the young girl , in the few romaic words he spoke to her , not to implicate morcerf s father 他知道了回信的內容,所以順從阿爾貝的愿望,介紹他會見海黛,又有意使談話轉移到阿里之死,不去反對海黛講述這個故事但當他用羅馬語對那個青年女郎說話的時候,無疑地曾警告了她,叫她不要指明馬爾塞夫的父親。

He already knew italian , and had also picked up a little of the romaic dialect during voyages to the east ; and by the aid of these two languages he easily comprehended the construction of all the others , so that at the end of six mouths he began to speak spanish , english , and german 他原先就懂得意大利語,希臘語是他在到地中海東部航行時零零碎碎的學會了一點,憑借這兩種語言的幫助,了解其他各種語言的結構就容易多了。所以六個月以后,他已經能講西班牙語,英語和德語了。

Monte cristo arose and approached her , took her hand , and said to her in romaic , “ calm yourself , my dear child , and take courage in remembering that there is a god who will punish traitors . 基督山起身走到她面前,握住她的手,用希臘語對她說: “鎮定一點,我的好孩子,上帝是會懲罰那些叛徒的,想想這個,你就會堅強起來了。 ”

It had been supposed some of the papers might be in the arabian , romaic , or turkish language , and the interpreter of the house was in attendance 在這些證件之中,有些大概是用阿拉伯文羅馬文或土耳其文寫的,因為議院的譯員已被傳喚了上去。

Asked the young girl in romaic , of monte cristo ; “ is it a friend , a brother , a simple acquaintance , or an enemy . 那位年輕女郎用現代希臘語問基督山, “是兄弟,朋友,生疏的相識,還是仇敵? ”

“ he spoke the romaic language , did he ? “他說羅馬話嗎? ”

“ go on , “ said the count in the romaic language “往下說吧,親愛的。 ”伯爵用現代希臘語說。

“ i did ; but they were uttered in the romaic dialect “聽到的,但他們說的是羅馬土語。