
rollo n.羅洛〔男子名〕 (L.=Rolf)。


Franco rollo , an anthropologist and ancient dna specialist , also determined that the man ' s genetic makeup belonged to one of the eight basic groups of dna occurring in europe , although his particular dna belonged to a subgroup that has been identified for the first time , officials said . the south tyrol archaeological museum in italy ' s northern alto adige region , where the remains are housed , announced the findings of rollo ' s research friday 據美聯社2月4日報道,聲明說,此項研究的負責人意大利卡美日諾大學的人類學家同時也是dna分析專家的佛朗哥羅洛確定,盡管該男子的特殊dna屬于一個首次被鑒別出來的亞組,但他的基因結構屬于歐洲8種基礎基因構成中的一種。

So began a passion that eventually led dido from listener to participator : she started singing with various bands in and around london , and despite the fact that her brother , rollo , told her not to give up her day job , she eventually appeared on the debut album of a band that rollo formed in 1995 16歲時她深深愛上了ella fitzgerald艾拉費茲杰羅的音樂而這樣的熱情令蒂朵從一個愛樂者轉變成一個參與者。當時她白天從事創作出版工作晚上開始和許多樂隊在倫敦附近演唱。

Dido entered london s guildhall school of music at age six , and by the time she reached her teens had already mastered piano , violin and recorder . after touring with a british classical ensemble , she accepted a publishing job , in the meanwhile singing in a series of local groups before joining the trip - hop outfit faithless - helmed by her older brother , the noted dj and producer rollo - in 1995 6歲進入音樂學校就讀接受正統音樂訓練其優異的表現讓她在18歲時就已經拿到了鋼琴小提琴的碩士學位并參與英國古典樂團的巡回表演直到1995年參與其兄rollo所組的faithless才算真正的踏入流行樂界中集譜詞寫曲及制作于一身的她在參與sunday 8pm時也開始其首張個人專輯no angel的錄制。

After touring with a british classical ensemble , she accepted a publishing job , in the meanwhile singing in a series of local groups before joining the trip - hop outfit faithless - helmed by her older brother , the noted dj and producer rollo - in 1995 . as the group s 1996 debut album “ reverence “ went on to sell some five million copies worldwide , dido began working on solo material , developing a lushly ethereal sound combining elements of acoustic pop and electronica ; signing with arista , she released her debut cd “ no angel “ in mid - 1999 No angel這張專輯幾乎由她自己完成所有的創作,再加上她的哥哥rollo等人的制作,讓這張專輯的樂風呈現faithless一貫采取折衷的意念,融合了流行爵士民謠電子音樂,而由于dido對原音樂器的鐘愛,則讓原本電味十足的音樂,加入原音樂器的協調,而展現古典與摩登交織的多樣風情。

Her teenage years were an interesting mixture of stealing her brother s record collection from the clash to gregory isaacs to duran duran and touring the uk with her classical music ensemble . and then , at 16 , she finally fell in love with ella fitzgerald . so began a passion that eventually led dido from listener to participator : she started singing with various bands in and around london , and despite the fact that her brother , rollo , told her not to give up her day job , she eventually appeared on the debut album of a band that rollo formed in 1995 6歲進入音樂學校就讀接受正統音樂訓練,其優異的表現讓她在18歲時就已經拿到了鋼琴小提琴的碩士學位并參與英國古典樂團的巡回表演,直到1995年參與其兄rollo所組的faithless才算真正的踏入流行樂界中,集譜詞寫曲及制作于一身的她在參與sunday 8pm時也開始其首張個人專輯no angel的錄制。

Unified by both dido s stunning voice and lyrical acuteness , the album travels through various and diverse styles ranging from the impassioned magnificence of “ here with me , “ the gentle soulfulness of “ thank you “ featured in the recent gwyneth paltrow movie sliding doors , the deep dubbiness of “ honestly ok , “ to the lyrical perversity of “ don t think of me . 盡管她著名的dj兼制作人哥哥rollo一再告誡她千萬別放棄白天的正職,不過她卻在rollo于95年籌組的樂隊首張專輯reverence尊崇中初試啼聲,演唱了暢銷曲insomnia失眠癥。這支樂隊就是以榮獲muzik雜志五顆星滿分評價的faithless無信念,處女作在全球各地創下500萬銷售佳績。

Rollo , of the university of camerino , in marche , italy , and his team carried out tests on mitochondrial dna on tissue samples taken from the mummy in 2000 and found two typical mutations that are common among men with reduced sperm mobility , the statement said 聲明指出,羅洛和其研究小組對2000年時從這具木乃伊身上提取的組織樣本進行了線粒體dna化驗。他們發現兩種典型的基因突變,而這兩種突變通常是在精子活性減弱的男性中較為常見。

This band was faithless , and they went on to sell five million records . over the next two years , dido toured with faithless a very different experience from her classical days and , whenever she was back in london , also recorded demos of her own songs 盡管她著名的dj兼制作人哥哥rollo一再告誡她千萬別放棄白天的正職不過她卻在rollo于95年籌組的樂隊首張專輯reverence尊崇中初試啼聲演唱了暢銷曲insomnia失眠癥。

Franco rollo , an anthropologist and ancient dna specialist , also determined that the man ' s genetic makeup belonged to one of the eight basic groups of dna occurring in europe , although his particular dna belonged to a subgroup that has been identified for the first time , officials said 的佛朗哥羅洛確定,盡管該男子的特殊dna屬于一個首次被鑒別出來的亞組,但他的基因結構屬于歐洲8種基礎基因構成中的一種。

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The album was produced by dido , her brother , rollo obviously now deciding she should give up her day job , rick nowels and youth , and what a beautiful album it is 而每當蒂朵托著疲憊卻亢奮的身心回到倫敦時她便會著手為自己的創作錄制一些試聽帶。

Previously , researchers have suggested the mummy may have been a social outcast and the new findings support that hypothesis , rollo said 此前,研究人員也曾提出,這具木乃伊生前可能是一個被當時社會所排斥的人,而新的發現也恰恰證實了這一點。

I be the solo rollo which means i rule alone you droop first blood , mother thought you was the lone fool now break for ya two 從未心意冷每想到你易添夢幻化身你面前心寄盼這感覺為何更浪漫在我生死之間

“ the possibility that he was unable to father offspring cannot be eliminated , “ rollo reported 對此,羅洛表示: “我們不能排除他無法成為人父的可能性。

This is rollo 這位是羅羅

On the humanistic ethics of rollo may 梅的人本主義道德觀

The introduce and comment of rollo may ' s existential psychotherapy 梅的存在心理治療觀之述評