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rolling pin 搟面棍。

rolling press

Don t even need a rolling pin , just your hand . flatten it and put it on the fire . you collect the wood from the forest and then you just cook it . after a while , you turn it on the other side and that s it 到處都買得到,加一點鹽和水和成面團,就像做面包或餡餅皮,不過不用粕酵,然后用手壓平,甚至不用桿面棍,只用手就夠了,壓平之后放在火上面,林子里可以找到木柴,然后就可以烤了,過一會兒再換邊烤,就大功告成。

I still wonder whether the chef , who had kept his cool throughout , should have thrown his rolling pin at the man or flagellate himself 大師傅自始至終強忍著沒有發作,但至今我仍在揣想,當時他應當是操起搟面杖朝那人劈面摔去呢,還是該把自己痛打一頓。

Either sign me up on a blank contract with no strings attached or else , ” and i took out a hammer and a rolling pin and banged on the table 你要么接受我,要么拉倒, ”我拿起一個錘子和圖釘,砰地一聲敲在桌子上。

Makers roll giant spiked rolling pins over sheets of cracker dough to pop air bubbles prior to baking 餅干制作者用帶釘子的巨大搟面杖在做蘇打餅干用的干面薄片上滾動,這樣其中的氣泡在烘烤前便爆裂了

The user runs his or her finger over a half - inch - long transparent rod that rotates like a rolling pin 它有一根半英寸長的透明短桿,像桿面棍那樣旋轉,讓使用者的手指頭刷過上方。

5 roll it with a rolling pin into a 3 - 5 cm thick dough . place in baking tray lined with aluminum foil 5用面棒捍成3公厘5公厘的厚度放入已敷好鋁紙的模型

It is just to use rolling pin to press the flour balls into round 我可是費了好大勁兒才包好了一個,但是非常難看,和媽媽包的一點都不像。

She handled her apparatus with the efficient familiarity with which other women handle their baking boards and rolling pins . 她操縱儀器就象其他婦女使用面包烘盤和桿面杖那樣熟練。