
rollin n.羅林〔男子名,Rol(l)and 的異體〕。


In the dissertation , with building the analysis model of rollin g bearing , the supporting stiffness matrix is added into the whole stiffness matrix of shaft and the dynamics characteristic of shaft rotor and working parameters of each bearing is calculated with finite element theory 建立了滾動軸承的擬靜力學分析模型,應用有限元法,將軸承的支承剛度帶入整個軸系的剛度矩陣進行分析,計算出包括臨界轉速在內的軸系轉子動力學性能和各個軸承的工作參數。

Abstract : in this paper , pesent the development and trends in chemi cal component controlling , hot rolling and coiling processing , ferritic hot rollin g , trip steel processing , cool rolling , annealing and surface quality controlling f or deep drawing sgeet steels are analyzed and discussed 文摘:分析討論了目前國內外在深沖用薄板生產中的成分控制、熱軋、卷曲工藝、鐵素體區軋制、 trip鋼生產、冷軋與退火工藝以及鋼板表面質量控制方面的新進展和趨勢

Cancer patient susan rollin torres , a 26 - year - old researcher at the national institutes of health , suffered a stroke in may after melanoma spread to her brain 26歲的蘇珊是美國國家衛生研究院的研究員。她不幸患上了最致命的皮膚癌惡性黑素瘤。

Rollin down the motherfuckin backstreets wit my drink and my cup and my strap in my lap , see ain t nothin but the g funk , bumpin in my ? ? ? 月色變的黯然在深秋的黎明而你雙手是那么暖離別最好的季節是風里透著涼意才知道兩顆心能靠多緊

3 . alloy guide rollin static balance , sealed type oven , fast drying with less energy consuming , and auto constant temperature control system 3平衡鋁合金導輥,密閉式烘箱,節能快干,自動恒溫控制系統。

Lex graffiti name reamer , hold em we rollin askin me though , raps is hotter than , hot tamales in toledo 愛情好像烈火就快把我燒成空壓抑自己不能開口只怕打擾你不知情的笑容

And if you rollin like i m rollin you ridin right . . and if she fuckin with them gangstas ain t nuttin nice . 你的希望總是夢里才能尋你找別人跟你去你的天堂我沒興趣

When i ruff ryde with drag - on rollin up big babies in a mercedes , if you want herb we got bombs 我一定會勇敢一點即使你不在我身邊你的決定和抱歉改變不了我的明天

Man , i told you to stop rollin ' around on those buster brown goodwill skates 伙計,我跟你說過別再用這種過時的冰鞋

I know exactly what to do to have this car back up on its feet and rollin ' 我有辦法可以讓這輛車恢復它應有的性能

- j ust keep rollin ' it , baby 繼續保持晃動,寶貝

Keep it rollin ' . this is good stuff 就這樣,還不錯

Because this bus is rollin ' on time 因為巴士會準時出發

Screaming - j ust keep rollin ' it , baby 繼續保持晃動,寶貝

' cause i can ' t be a part of this , okay ? porsche , are you rollin ' 因為我做不來保時捷,你打算走嗎?

You ought to be careful rollin ' with that 你帶著它可得倍加小心吧

I see those big thunderheads rollin ' in 看那些大團的雷雨云蜂擁而至。

How am i gonna look rollin ' up in your freak - mobile 我要是爬上你這破車,別人會怎么想?

Don ' t bother to come and get me . i ' m not rollin ' 你不用再來了。我不會去的