
rollback 壓平物價;擊退。


Also demonstrates how to implement row - level rollback and commit for user edits 還演示如何實現用戶編輯的行級回滾和提交。

Statement fires a dml trigger that includes rollback transaction , the 語句觸發了包含rollback transaction的dml觸發器,則

Used to save information needed to perform a rollback or uninstall operation ,用于保存執行回滾或卸載操作所需的信息。

To be fair , i should admit that the rollback command is not always destructive 為了公平,我允許回滾命令不是破壞性的。

These batches are subject to the commit or rollback operation of the package 這些批要受到包的提交或回滾操作的影響。

Real percent of work completed for certain operations , including rollbacks 為某些操作完成的工作的百分比,包括回滾。

For database transaction rollback 事務回滾

Rollback of unsuccessful installations , repairs , or removals of assemblies 回滾失敗的程序集安裝、修復或移除操作。

A rollback segment is only online until the instance is shut down 直到實例關閉后,回滾段才聯機。不明白什么意思。

When a conditional rollback should affect only part of the transaction 當條件回滾應只影響事務的一部分時,可使用

Statement fires a trigger that includes rollback transaction , the 語句觸發了包含rollback transaction的觸發器,則

Create few additional rollback segments to handle the database activities 創建少數附加回滾段來處理數據庫活動。

The effect of a rollback on cursors is defined by these three rules Rollback對游標的影響由下面三個規則定義:

0 default : frees transactions only when an xa rollback is called 0 (默認值) :只在調用xa回滾時釋放事務。

Why does the commit or rollback of a transaction close the result set 為何事務的提交或回滾關閉結果集?

You done real good . no rollbacks , part bares to strip engines 干得真不錯。不用再運汽車,配零件,拆引擎

Rollback work permissions default to any valid user 默認情況下,所有有效用戶都有權執行rollback work 。

Then we rollback this transaction 然后我們回滾這個事務。

Ability to select commit or rollback 能夠選擇提交或回滾。