
roll vt.1.滾,轉,推滾(桶、車輪等),使(煙、塵土)滾滾...

roll angle

He tore it up and rolled it into pipe spills . 他把它撕碎,卷成了點板煙的紙捻兒。

The floods rolled down the valley . 洪水沿山谷奔騰而下。

Galileo rolled small metal balls down the incline . 伽利略讓小金屬球從斜面滾下。

The ship was rolling and pitching heavily in the rough sea . 船舶在狂濤中簸蕩。

A moment later you will hear the roll of thunder . 過一會,你就會聽到雷聲隆隆。

The little donkey rolled on the ground . 小驢在地上打滾。

Thunder rolled just above his head . 雷就在他頭頂上轟響。

The ship rolled on a swell . 一個巨浪沖過,船身一陣搖晃。

An angry torrent rolls thunderously on for a thousand li . 怒濤滾滾,奔瀉千里。

The stone rolled down the mountain by gravity . 這塊石頭由于重力作用而滾下山。

The hard wind was rolling small white waves . 狂風在水面上掀起了白色的小浪頭。

Wilson rolled the empty canteen back and forth . 威爾遜翻來倒去擺弄著空水壺。

Large logs came rolling down the slope . 粗大的圓木咕嚕咕嚕地從山坡上滾下來。

I'm glad she started the ball rolling . 我很高興她開了個頭。

The sleeves were rolled up to the elbows . 袖子均換到肘上部。

She was extracting a crisp roll from her purse . 她正從錢袋里掏出一卷鈔票。

Roll up a carpet , a map , a towel 把地毯、地圖、毛巾卷起來。

A batch of rolled steel was allocated to us .. 調來一批鋼材。

The wheel of history rolls forward with an irresistible force . 勢不可擋。