
rolf n.羅爾夫〔男子名, Rudolph 的異體〕。


With $ 246 million in the bag worldwide , the film is on target to reach $ 470 million by the end of next weekend , said rolf mittweg , new line ' s president of worldwide marketing and distribution 全世界范圍內2 . 46億美元的票房收入,該片可望在下周末達到4 . 7億美圓的票房收入,新干線電影公司市場發行部總裁羅夫.米特維格作出了以上推測。

Consultant rolf ade told me of how knoppix goes on shopping trips with him : “ it s really great to carry a knoppix cd with you , if you want to buy a new intel box for running linux 顧問rolf ade告訴我knoppix是如何伴隨他的購物之旅的: “隨身攜帶一張knoppix cd真的很棒,如果您希望購買一臺新的intel機器來運行linux 。

Rolf lang suggested that his son should first of all learn the basics of metal working and sent him to glashtte for three years in order to serve an apprenticeship in precision mechanic 年完成rolf lang建議他的日子作為基本功首先要學會金屬加工,并讓他去格拉斯希特glashuette去做了3年精細機械的學徒。

“ if you hit this target successfully you have hit the achilles “ heel of the virus , “ said rolf hilgenfeld of the university of luebeck in germany , who led the study 德國呂貝克醫科大學的羅爾夫希爾根菲爾德是主持該項研究的科學家,他說: “如果能夠成功攻克這個課題,我們也就找到了非典病毒的致命弱點。

“ if you hit this target successfully you have hit the achilles ' heel of the virus , “ said rolf hilgenfeld of the university of luebeck in germany , who led the study 德國呂貝克醫科大學的羅爾夫?希爾根菲爾德是主持該項研究的科學家,他說: “如果能夠成功攻克這個課題,我們也就找到了非典病毒的致命弱點。

Agricultural policy and its administration in the european union and the united kingdom . rolf moehler , former deputy director - general of agricultural administration in the eu 以及如何實施和加強基于風險的食品安全控制戰略,同時還討論了wto協

The trials and tribulations of erik zabel and rolf aldag from germany are , in fact , just as fascinating a tale as the best fictional dramas 長達三星期的賽事,到最后一周真讓人叫苦連天,優美的風光都成了煉獄背景,只有少數人順利升上天堂。

Rothermba - w ? rme rolf roth , ing . operates as reliable partners and generates services within the range baking ovens and tiled stoves 是一家知名的、誠信的生產商和服務商,該公司提供新型的、專門的產品,例如烘烤爐,瓷磚燒制爐。

The research was led by rolf hilgenfeld of the university of lubeck ' s institute of biochemistry 德國呂貝克生物化學院的羅爾夫希爾根菲爾德為該研究的負責人。

The research was led by rolf hilgenfeld of the university of lubeck ' s institute of biochemistry 希爾根菲爾德為該研究的負責人。

Prof . chang chun , ceibs , prc prof . rolf d cremer , ceibs , prc 白思拓alfredo pastor教授,學術委員會主席, iese商學院,西班牙

Rolf - christel gui - mien 羅-克吉耶-米恩

The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1996 : rolf m . zinkernagel 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎-羅爾夫辛克納吉

So i ' m sorry for the poor guy on whom rolf ' s going to make war 因而我覺得與洛爾夫開戰的倒霉蛋很可憐!

I lost a day of production , rolf 我失去了一天的產品,拉爾夫

Prof . rolf cremer - dean & vice president of ceibs Rolfcremer教授-中歐國際工商學院教務長兼副院長

{ rolf czurda ] you shouldn ' t think of them as yours , oskar 你不應該認為他們是你的,奧斯卡

Rolf czurda you shouldn ' t think of them as yours , oskar 你不應該認為他們是你的,奧斯卡

1996 rolf zinkernagel switzerland 1997 stanley b . prusiner 1996年羅爾夫辛克納吉瑞士