
role n.1.(演員扮演的)角色。2.任務;作用。短語和例子t...

role model

When i returned to changsha i took a more direct role in politics . 我回到長沙以后,更加直接地投身到政治中去。

They are playing an increasingly important role in safeguarding peace . 他們對保衛和平起著越來越重要的作用。

What role did a high cholesterol level play in his heart disease ? 膽固醇濃度高和他的心臟病發作有什么關系?

At very high temperatures, more endothermic reactions play a role . 在很高的溫度下,更多的吸熱反應起作用。

Sedimentation and denudation play a role in exceptional cases . 沉積和剝蝕作用的影響只在特殊情況下起作用。

The space required per sales transaction also plays an important role . 每筆交易所需要的空間也起很大作用。

Joe gets clinching evidence of the brains role when he dreams . 喬做夢時得到了大腦發生作用的決定性依據。

It made his role more extravagant, of greater magnitude . 這一來他的地位就更高不可攀了,身份就更尊貴了。

He argued that it was the role of governments to protect the weak . 他的論點是政府有責任保護無辜的百姓。

The role of his personality in the movement was clearly immense . 他的性格在運動中的作用,顯然是很大的。

The role of dopants and contaminants in degradation cannot be ignored . 雜質和污染對退化的作用不能忽視。

The leghaemoglobin surrounding the bacteroids serves a dual role . 類菌體四周的豆血紅蛋白執行雙重職能。

Prof. jackson plays an important role in the scientific world . 杰克遜教授在科學界扮演一個重要的角色。

These different roles underline the importance of these cells . 這些不同的作用強調了這些細胞的重要性。

Suddenly jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role . 杰克突然微微一笑,又擺起了慈父的姿態。

In this role the executives must generate alternatives . 要完成這一任務,主管人員必須醞釀許多方案。

The book attempts a definition of his role in world politics . 該書要闡明的是他在世界政局中的作用。

He somehow got himself to germany in the role of an educator . 他想方設法以一個教育者的角色去德國。

As a retriever, mutt proved he understood his role . 馬特用自己的行動充分證明了他是一只稱職的獵犬。