
roily adj.1.渾濁的。2.生氣的,易怒的。3.動蕩的。


The factors of organizational and managing system operated importantly in the process of prosperity and decline of shanxi bank . its advanced organizational system and managing mode made shanxi bank developing persistently in the background of roily society . and the decline of shanxi bank counted for much with the managing and organizational system too . this article take the prosperity and decline of shanxi bank together with its organizational and managing system in order to find its experiences and lessons about managing and organizational system . through analyses try to give advices to enterprises of the time about management and organization 本文將山西票號的興衰和其內部的組織與管理因素緊密結合起來進行研究,通過對票號興衰過程中的組織與管理原因的分析與研究,總結票號在組織與管理方面的經驗教訓,并把票號的重要組織原則和管理制度與現代企業的相關做法進行對比分析,進一步提出山西票號組織管理方面的經驗教訓對現代中國企業的借鑒意義,為探悉有中國特色企業治理結構和管理模式提供一些有益的線索和思路。

And relevant expert think bad assets particularly like “ ice - roily “ , hold among hand the longer time have , melting the more , there is the lower value now 而有關專家認為不良資產尤如‘冰棍’ ,握在手中的時間越長,融化得越多,現有價值越低。