
roil vt.〔美國〕1.攪渾;攪亂。2.惹怒,使生氣。vi.動...


Generally analyses vibration signals of gearcase in some roiling mill by using various spectrum analytical methods ( such as zoom apectrum and cepstrum ) , and finds out that source of exceptional vibration is owing to imbalance of the whole gearing . through assembly adjusting and carrying out dynamic balance test finally solves problems of production practice and ensure that the product line is put into production on schedule 摘要利用各種頻譜分析手段(細化功率譜和倒頻譜)對某軋鋼廠齒輪箱振動信號進行了全面分析,發現整個傳動裝置產生的不平衡導致齒輪箱振動異常,經過裝配調整,并做了動平衡試驗,有效地解決了這一問題。

One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas , the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains , rivers that roil with spawning salmon , an abundant supply of moose , bears , eagles , and puffins , four active volcanoes , and a gigantic , otherworldly icescape , harding icefield 也是阿拉斯加交通極為繁忙的地區,在火山半島擁有豐富明信片之稱-積雪覆蓋的山脈,河流,還有鮭魚的卵給鹿,熊,鷹,和善知鳥(盛產于大西洋的寒帶海鳥)等提供了棲息的樂園,四個活火山,以及一個龐大的超然世間的冰景,哈丁冰原。

One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas , the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains , rivers that roil with spawning salmon , an abundant supply of moose , bears , eagles , and puffins , four active volcanoes , and a gigantic , otherworldly icescape , harding icefield 奇奈半島是阿拉斯加最繁忙的交通要道,有著許多如明信片般的風光:大雪覆蓋的山峰,充滿了鮭魚的河流,隨處可見的的駝鹿,熊,鷹和海雀,四座活火山,還有一片廣袤的,恍如隔世般的冰景- -哈丁冰原。

Never one for diplomatic niceties , america ' s defence secretary , donald rumsfeld , roiled trans - pacific waters on june 4th when he accused china of increasing its military expenditures at a time when it faces no serious military threats , thereby destabilising the region and raising doubts about its future intentions 在外交界眼中,從來不算好鳥的美國防部長拉姆斯菲爾德,在6月4日又攪動了泛太平洋的軒然大波,當時他指責中國在并無外來威脅的情況下大幅增加軍費,從而影響地區穩定并令人懷疑她的動機。

The crs meishan roiling stock company marls steel construct company can offer products as light steel construction and pure steel project etc . used for the factory building civil building , commercial building and service to the masses of customers 中國南車集團眉山車輛廠同升鋼構公司能為廣大客戶提供廠房建筑、民用建筑、商業建筑用輕鋼結構及純鋼工程等產品和服務。

To oakeshott , the most serious crisis that roils today ' s universities results from a modernized attempt to define the “ social aims “ of a university by appealing to rationalism and the related notion of enterprise association 對歐克秀而言,困擾著當前大學之最嚴重危機,乃肇因于一種訴諸理性主義以及與其相應的企業組織思維,來界說一個大學之社會目標的現代性企圖。

Shantou , china - charges of plagiarism roil china ' s universities , but they ' re not about students cheating . they ' re about professors who filch from one another 中國汕頭- -多起對學術剽竊的指控在中國大學中激起波瀾。這些指控并非針對作弊的學生,而是那些剽竊他人的教授們。

Massive sales could roil gold markets ? one reason why many american senators , under pressure from gold - mining firms , have already voiced loud opposition 大量出售會擾亂黃金市場?這也是采金企業重壓之下的許多美國參議員們大聲反對的一個原因。

No longer is the world cleaved in two , with developing countries roiled by infectious disease and industrial nations largely isolated from its scourges 這世界不再一分為二,一半是受傳染病所苦的開發中國家,另一半是不受其害的富裕國家。

Earthquakes , tidal waves and volcanic eruptions roil the country , leaving millions dead and stranded . japan s only hope lies with one plan . . 日本各地的火山因為板塊移動而不斷爆發,首相又下落不明,鷹森無計可施下,只好向田所求助。

Earlier this week , countrywide ' s shares plummeted further as speculation about a bankruptcy filing roiled the market , a rumor the company denied 本周早些時候,當市場上出現關于破產申請的謠言時公司的股票再次狂跌,謠言已經被澄清。

If we receive this kind of explanation , we never need to fear that monopolization will roil the market , disrupt social economic order 如果相信了這種解釋,那我們就不必害怕壟斷會擾亂經濟運行機制,損害效率和降低消費者的福利。

Master fireball : a roiling ball of fire which explodes on contact , spilling flames into a large volume and setting enemies alight 高級火球:劇烈燃燒的火球,接觸目標時發生大爆炸并大范圍的噴射出可以點燃敵人的火焰。

A furor over the fever has been roiling local newspapers since the first locally contracted case was reported last month 自從上個月發現了首宗本地感染的案例后,報紙就不斷大事報導。

The effect of this was like roiling helpless waters . carrie troubled over it in her rocking - chair for days 這番談話在嘉莉身上產生的效應就像是攪混了無助的水,使她徒然心亂。

Craggy mountains , dark forests and roiling mists are perfect for a shadow lord ' s rituals and meditations 崎嶇的山脈,黑暗的森林還有渾濁的薄霧正適合陰影議員的典禮和冥想。

The seas roiled , tossing the ships in the harbor about like toys in a rain barrel 大海被激怒了,咆哮著,撲向港口停泊的船只,把它們當作澡盆里的玩具肆意玩弄。

“ otto mattick has aculeate tongue capable of inflicting considerable mental pain if roiled . 奧托?馬特里克說話很尖刻,經常能給人造成精神上的傷害。

The machine is made from steel . it ' s vibration treated roil to reduce internal stress 本機械為鋼板結構,經振動時效消除內應力。